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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

2 Cents: Regarding Advisory Votes

As much as I like Ron Edinger ... I am amused at his fervent call for a McEuen Field advisory vote. In fall 1985, I recall, Edinger, Dixie Reid, and one other council member (Bill Jones?) adamantly opposed a call for an advisory vote for the proposal by Duane Hagadone & the Coeur d'Alene chamber to bring hydroplane racing back to Lake Coeur d'Alene. Hagadone threatened to pull the proposal if the council voted to send it to an advisory vote. If memory serves me correctly, Ron was wearing a pin in support of hydroplane racing the night the council voted on the advisory vote. The council split 4-3, with then Mayor Jim Fromm casting the tie-breaking vote for an advisory vote. Also on Fromm's side was the rest of the "Gang of Four": Jim Michaud, Bob Brown, and Steve McCrea. Hagadone pulled the project. The city followed through with the advisory vote in which a supermajority opposed hydroplane racing. Hydroplane boosters made another unsuccessful run to get the thunderboats back, in the '90s. And the hydroplane exhibitions of today is an attempt to back door a possible return of hydro racing. Still, 'tis interesting that support or opposition to advisory votes depend on which side of the issue you're on -- DFO.

Question: Do you generally support advisory votes on controversial issues?

D.F. Oliveria
D.F. (Dave) Oliveria joined The Spokesman-Review in 1984. He currently is a columnist and compiles the Huckleberries Online blog and writes about North Idaho in his Huckleberries column.

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