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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Huckleberries Online

SR endorses school bond

Voters should approve the $32.7 million bond measure proposed by the Coeur d’Alene School District.

Every child in the district will benefit, taxes will not increase and, if the experience of the Spokane School District is illustrative, the dollars raised could go much further than school officials expect.

Most of the money will be used to modernize the Borah, Bryan, Sorensen and Winton elementary schools and Canfield Middle School. Canfield, opened in 1975, is the newest of a group plagued by antiquated heating and ventilation systems. The oldest, Winton still has the single-pane windows installed when it was built in 1925. Read more.

Do you think newspaper endorsements hold any sway on issues like school bonds?

Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.