Labrador: Cut More Trees
Some rural counties that once thrived off timber sales are hoping Congress will allow them to pay for roads and schools by increasing logging in national forests. Idaho Republican Rep. Raul Labrador introduced a bill last month allowing for the establishment of locally managed reserves where money from logging could be sent to rural counties. “Rural communities are suffering in this economy, and their greatest assets are being held captive by the federal government,” Labrador says in a statement. “Instead of being given the opportunity to generate jobs and revenue, they must accept millions of taxpayer dollars to make up for lost revenue.” A conservation group has decried the bill as the latest in a long-running attempt to circumvent environmental regulations in order to increase logging in national forests/Chris Stein, Inlander. More here. (Inlander photo)
Question: Do you agree with Congressman Raul Labrador that Idaho should support schools & roads by cutting more trees?