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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013

Poll: Trash ULUC

Monday Poll: A supermajority of Hucks Nation sez county commissioners should trash the proposed Unified Land Use Code and start over. 87 of 119 respondents (73.11%) supports dumping ULUC. Only 24 of 119 respondents (20.17%). 8 (6.72%) were undecided. Today's Poll: Do you support Common…

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Hearn: Fear Drives CCore Opponents 36 

On his Facebook wall, new Coeur d'Alene School Board Chairman Tom Hearn writes re: attending anti-Common Core meeting at Candlelight Church Fellowship last evening: An interesting though clearly one sided and biased presentation about Common Core. As I was listening to the speakers and questions…

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A firefighter sprays water onto a burning tree Monday as crews from several area agencies responded to a wildland fire near Q'Emiln Park in Post Falls. (Shawn Gust/press)

AM Headlines -- 7.23.13

A firefighter sprays water onto a burning tree Monday as crews from several area agencies responded to a wildland fire near Q'Emiln Park in Post Falls. More here. (Coeur d'Alene Press photo: Shawn Gust) PHD lifts health advisory for Fernan Lake/Press Salon incident triggers lawsuit/David…

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Wanted: Protection From Protectors 

From the Coeur d'Alene Press story re: Common Core discussion Monday evening: The presentation at (Candlelight Church Fellowship) was hosted by a group called the Friends of Idaho, introduced by Sage Dixon. Dixon said Friends of Idaho is a newly formed non-governmental organization focused on…

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Edit: Otter Wise To Protect Surplus 

Mow, hoe, trim and water. That's Rep. Maxine Bell's routine during the summer at her home in Jerome. It also describes her role as a co-chair of the Legislature's budgeting committee - with a lot of whacking and slashing thrown into the mix. In recent…

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Labrador ♥s Attention, Microphones 

Raul Labrador has a thing for microphones. Supporters and critics alike describe the Idaho Republican congressman as a self-confident firebrand eager to speak out, especially in private meetings with his fellow Republicans. Labrador "practically lunged at the microphone" in one 2011 meeting with House Speaker…

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Trustees Attend Common Core Meet 

Confusion re: whether Trustee Terri Seymour "hosted" the anti-Common Core discussion at Candlelight Church Fellowship last night stems from this Facebook invitation that went viral locally after it was circulated to friends of the two women. From Coeur d'Alene Press story re: Common Core discussion:…

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Martin Burke, of Coeur d'Alene steps off a Citylink bus Monday as it drops off passengers at the transit center in Riverstone. (Shawn Gust/press)

CityLink Transit Center Plans Advance 

Martin Burke, of Coeur d'Alene steps off a Citylink bus Monday as it drops off passengers at the transit center in Riverstone. (Coeur d'Alene Press photo: Shawn Gust) Land for the first phase of a permanent public transit center in Riverstone is expected to be…

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Common Core Foes Keep Up Fight 

The Common Core standards will be in place in Idaho schools this fall, but the controversy over them appears to be far from over. A pair of Washington-based anti-Common Core activists spoke Monday to about 70 people at Candlelight Christian Fellowship. "If you have concerns,…

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County GOP Eyes Political Purity  

Item: In search of party purity: Republican Central Committee mulls new resolution/Jeff Selle, Coeur d'Alene Press More Info: Another resolution will come before the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee tonight that if passed, would create a sub-committee charged with screening candidates to ensure they are…

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Huckleberries Online

D.F. Oliveria started Huckleberries Online on Feb. 16, 2004. Oliveria's Sunday print Huckleberries is a past winner of the national Herb Caen Memorial Column contest.