Gissel: Souza Forfeits Leadership Role
In the Sept. 12 edition of the Coeur d’Alene Press the following passage was included: “Souza said as mayor, she would vote whichever way the public favored on highly charged topics when the opinion is stacked on one side, regardless of how she feels personally.” I have waited several days to make sure that she did not want to retract that statement or assert that she was misquoted. To my knowledge, she has not done so. As to that statement, it is clear to me that God gave each person the capacity to form and hold moral values. He also gave each person the free will to act on those moral values. Failing to act on moral values one holds has the same effect as having no moral values. For Ms. Souza to assert ahead of time that she would go with the flow if elected is not leadership but rather a preemptive forfeiture of leadership/Norm Gissel, letter to the editor, Coeur d'Alene Press. More here. (SR file photo: Norm Gissel, foreground, and Tony Stewart)