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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Home Planet

SUNDAY, AUG. 7, 2011

Robert Millsap stands on the summit of Mt. Hood at sunrise after a before-dawn ascent. (photo courtesy of Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

From the Boy on Top of the World

It takes some getting used to when your children grow up and leave home. After years of living according to their schedules, from 2 a.m. feedings to a 2 a.m. curfew, even when they’ve been on their own for a while, it still feels odd…

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SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2011

SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2011

 (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

Made in America, Based in Berlin

It’s always a bit of a jolt when we see ourselves through another’s lens. Suddenly things we’d never noticed stand out. I was in Berlin recently. What has happened there since the wall fell is interesting. At the time of the reunification West Berlin was…

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MONDAY, JULY 11, 2011

 (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

Urban pests and backyard chickens 

The scene in the morning was terrible. What was left of the torn, bloodied carcass of my beloved Anacona hen, the crazy, flighty Italian chicken whose antics never failed to amuse me, was tossed like so much trash in front of the henhouse. The two…

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MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2011

Statue of Johann Sebastian Bach at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

Leipzig: Back to Bach

(Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap) The day before I left Spokane and caught an early flight to Germany, the weather was wet and cold. More like late winter than late spring. Everywhere I went people were grumbling about the rain. “Sorry you have to be out…

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Zurich, Switzerland, in the twilight. (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

Friday Night Around the World

(Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap) On my last day in Switzerland, I walked around Zurich, visiting museums, wandering up and down cobblestoned streets window-shopping and trying to lock it all in my memory. I strolled along the river and over bridges, people-watching, stopping to look at…

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SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 2011

Charmed Pillows and Sweet Dreams

I brought the sheets and pillowcases in from the clothesline, stiffened by the wind and still warm from the late afternoon sun. Before I folded each piece, I buried my face in the fabric and breathed deeply. Who doesn’t love that smell? Like sunlight spun…

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SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2011

Wanderlust and Motherhood

Without turning on the light I tiptoed into her room, careful to step over the gaping backpack spilling its cargo of papers, gym clothes and books; over DVDs and laundry and other indistinguishable shapes strewn across the floor. When I got to the bed I…

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SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011

Broken Wings

Walking to an early meeting, the sharp tapping of my heels on the sidewalk ricocheting off the stone walls of the old cathedral on the corner, I looked down at my feet and I was shocked by what I saw. I’d almost stepped on two…

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Mother and Child

She is our first mystery. Our first taste of love. She is the warm dark ocean where, curled and tethered, we float safe and secure. Before we are born she is the forgiving, elastic boundary of our small universe. She stretches around us, her bones…

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Tornadoes Assault in Every Direction 

April in the South is peak tornado season. Yesterday, killer storms swept through Alabama killing dozens, destroying lives and wiping out entire communities. It’s mid-April. The big forsythia I planted in my back yard is finally blooming. Jonquils have pushed up through the chilly soil.…

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Gone for a Soldier

They stood on the corner downtown, a loose, silent group of young men. Most not more than boys, really. Each had a bag or duffle at their feet. I realized they were new recruits on their way to boot camp. To basic training. On their…

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SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2011

Mozart and the Boy 

The evening’s performance is Mozart and the beautiful old Fox Theater is filled with the sweet sounds of the violin and viola. My son is in town for the weekend and has accompanied us to a night at the Symphony. Watching him from a row…

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March Flies on Chilly Wings

The car swooped down on the empty parking spot like a bird of prey, flying the length of one car, then reversing and capturing the open space with one maneuver. The driver’s door opened and a woman stepped out, taking care not to dip her…

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The Alamo stands out against the morning sky during the 175th anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo. (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

History asks one thing: Remember

(photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap) The first thing you notice about the Alamo is that it stands right in the center of San Antonio. The small, sand-colored building, surrounded by trees and a lawn of green grass, ringed by tall buildings, sits like an antique, rough-cut…

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SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2011

SUNDAY, FEB. 27, 2011

The River of Dreams

(photo by R.B. Millsap) In the dream, I rode the river like a magic carpet, floating on nothing more that a scrap of material beneath me. I lay still, relaxed, stretched out on my stomach with my hands folded under my cheek, lulled by the…

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SUNDAY, FEB. 20, 2011

MONDAY, FEB. 14, 2011

Love in Plain Brown Paper

Another Valentine re-post. This one was written in 2005 during my first life as a S-R freelancer. February 14, 2005 Real love is the kind we are surrounded by every day Cheryl-anne Millsap The Spokesman-Review Chances are you’ve got love, or something like it, on…

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SATURDAY, FEB. 5, 2011

Handprint on the frozen walls of Alberta, Canada's Maligne Canyon. (Cheryl-Anne Millsap / Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

Cave Painting in Jasper National Park

(Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap) When we arrive at the starting point for our hike, Trevor, our Overlander Trekking guide, gives us all thick, insulated, boots and a set of cleats to strap on the soles. Checking that we have hats and gloves, he leads us…

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SATURDAY, JAN. 29, 2011

Taking in the Great Outdoors

Usually, dawn is just touching the sky when I open my eyes. Still blinking, half-lost in a fading dream, I reach over to the table beside my bed for my glasses and my camera. I stumble across the dark room and make my way to…

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SUNDAY, JAN. 23, 2011

Millsap audio columns on iTunes

As most of my regular readers know, my weekly Home Planet columns are recorded for Spokane Public Radio where they air each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. Each audio essay is then added to the KPBX podcasts and now those podcasts are available on iTunes.…

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SATURDAY, JAN. 22, 2011

Saturday, Snow and the Happy Boy.

There are times, or so it feels to me, when our lives are fed to us the way food is stuffed into a goose to make foie gras. We don’t get a break. We’re crammed with more than we can possibly handle. There isn’t time…

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Cheryl-Anne Millsap's Home Planet column appears each week in the Wednesday "Pinch" supplement. Cheryl-Anne is a regular contributor to Spokane Public Radio and her essays can be heard on Public Radio stations across the country.