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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Movies & More

Humor comes in strange packages

Maybe it’s the era in which we live. Or maybe it’s the strangely weird political mood that has struck America since the events of 9/11. It could be all the paranoia and hypocrisy that seem to go so naturally hand in hand with all the media posturing. Whatever, things seem stranger now that at any time in my life.

And, hey, I lived through the initial years of the civil rights movement, the furious race riots that hit Watts and Detroit, the horror known as Vietnam, the deaths of King and the Kennedy brothers, not to mention Reagan’s governorship of California. And all that occurred before I was 30!

So I have to say that it’s freeing to be able to laugh at one of the oddest comic compilations that I have ever had the pleasure to stumble upon. Despite all the craziness afflicting the world, the time I’ve spent going through the archives of the ironically named Perry Bible Fellowship has given me a few moments of relief.

As seen through the lens of cartoonist Nicholas Gurewitch’s bizarre blend of words and imagery, the world as it actually exists seems a little more sane. Not much, mind you. But a little.

Movies & More

A Dan Webster joint, discussing news, notes and everything about movies.