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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Hours

Does Spokane or CDA draw young business owners? Where would we rank on the top 10 list for entrepreneurs?

Which city does this make you think of:

THIS HUB for technology and industry — from Amazon and Microsoft to Boeing and Starbucks — is also a doorstep to Asia. It doesn’t hurt that it has a highly-educated population, either.

Or this description:

MAJOR GREEN credentials, a temperate climate and a growing local food scene (plus one hell of a cup of coffee) has this town on the radar of many young entrepreneurs.

Yes, Seattle and Portland, which scored No. 10 and No. 8 on a "best cities for young entrepreneurs" list published at Under30CEO.

The list brings forth the appropriate question:  Does Spokane or Coeur d'Alene come close in the hunt for young entrepreneurs?  What do we have that brings or retains bright young business talent?

I'd say there have to be five or six key traits we do have, maybe not in heavy supply, but still critical.

One is:  a pool of older, gray-haired managers who can serve as mentors and board directors, to guide the young company forward.

If you have your own list of other key traits, we want to hear from you.  Leave the comments here.

To see the site's top five cities, read the rest of the post, below:

Which were the top five places for young business starters? Here's the Under30CEO list:

  1. New York As the home of several industries, including “Silicon Alley,” it’s got the biggest scene of them all.
  2. San Francisco  Its proximity to Silicon Valley means it’s a hub for the high-tech startup.
  3. Austin, Texas. The capital of live music begets a burgeoning corporate culture and a low cost of living.
  4. Boston Education, education, education. Beantown’s a hub for brains, incubators and deep pockets.
  5. Denver  It’s a growing center for folks who like to work hard (inside), then play hard (outside).

Tom Sowa
Tom Sowa covers technology, retail and economic development and writes the Office Hours blog.