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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion archive for Oct. 2008

TUESDAY, OCT. 14, 2008

The Children Have Spoken: Obama

From Scholastic's Web site:It's official. At least for the kids! The Scholastic Presidential Election Poll results are in: Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama won with 57 percent of the vote, to 39 percent for Republican nominee Senator John McCain.The poll was open to kids from…

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MONDAY, OCT. 13, 2008

Loose Thread Monday

Greetings loyal readers of AMOO.I'm the blogmeister this week and will begin the loose threads with quotes taken from times of crises past in the United States.Let us begin then with John F. Kennedy's quote during the Cuban Missile Crisis. According to the History Place:…

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FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 2008

The Youth Vote is in

Courtesy of Marlene Feist, City Hall spokeswoman, here's the results of voting after the Youth Issues Candidates forum on Thursday:(The ballot measures are not real)U.S. Congressional District #5:Cathy McMorris Rodgers 41Mark Mays 39County Commissioner District #1Todd Mielke 66Kim Thorburn 13County Commissioner District #2Mark Richard 55Brian…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 9, 2008

Voting controversies -- again

There's been a lot of attention on voters being added to the rolls in questionable ways, but in some states more are being removed than added. And some of those states might be breaking federal election law.This New York Times article explains. It should be…

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The drive at 5

I've felt all sorts of weird ailments -- stiff neck, sore leg, etc. -- since the announcement of layoffs and Steve's resignation last week. I'm expecting them to heal now that Gary Graham is at the helm for the S-R.But thinking about who will be…

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Four things I learned at the debate

1. If McCain were victorious, "my friends" would become more annoying than "my fellow Americans" ever was. And that's saying something.2. And starting sentences with "and" -- followed by a pause -- would begin to grate, too. Yeah, I'm talking about That One.3. The unexpected…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 7, 2008

The happy 9 percent of Americans

According to this Gallup Poll, 91 percent of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. Investments are tanking. Homes being foreclosed upon. Relentless job losses. Unpopular war in Iraq. Deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Government bailouts.It's not hard to understand why the poll is…

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Our view: McCain over Obama

The editorial board of the S-R has endorsed John McCain for president. A couple of the reasons:Once in office, either candidate would probably bring a collaborative approach to the job. But big issues require more than that. In managing the Middle East conflict, Obama and…

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MONDAY, OCT. 6, 2008

Jamie Neely: Maxfield update

Treat yourself today and give Jamie Neely's Sunday column a good read here.Here's how it begins:This fall Col. Darel Maxfield once again commands his social studies classroom at Ferris High School, not a U.S. Army unit in Iraq.He's back from the war, with some timeless…

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Taxpayers seeing red

Today's editorial encouraged the city of Spokane to communicate with citizens about the benefits of installing a red-light camera enforcement system. Many see the camera-powered, $124 tickets as just a money grab by the city, and it's the city's duty to explain why safety is…

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Initiative 1000: Vote no

On Sunday, our editorial endorsements began.We came out against Initiative 1000, the proposed Death with Dignity Act modeled after Oregon's decade-old law. Read it here.Our three main reasons: It places doctors – and the state – in the position of hastening death.No urgent need exists…

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FRIDAY, OCT. 3, 2008

THURSDAY, OCT. 2, 2008


Bob Downing: Civic Elder

(Photo by Christopher Anderson/The Spokesman-Review)Bob Downing, who ran a railroad and is now 95, was in our Civic Elder spotlight today.Here's an excerpt of some of his wisdom:The greatest lifelong effect of the Depression? You didn't buy things unless you had the money. I eventually…

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A Matter of Opinion is really a matter of three opinions – those held by the people responsible for the opinion pages of The Spokesman-Review. Check in regularly to find out what they’re up to, what they think and where they differ and to joust with them if you want.

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