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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion

July 6 Loose Thread

Recently finished "The Big Short" by Michael Lewis. He also wrote "Liar's Poker", another excellent book about Wall Street. This one is about the oddball characters who saw through the housing bubble and bet big that it would burst. One of them has Asperger's Syndrome (autism), which actually helped him to study the numbers, filter out the nonsense and resist peer pressure. He was also featured on "60 Minutes." Here is an excerpt that focuses on him.

What's interesting is that his bet required patience, but many people investing with him didn't have any. They carped and complained as the fund lost money. When it turned spectacularly successful and they got rich, he barely heard a peep from them. Human nature, I guess.

What's on your mind?


Gary Crooks
Gary Crooks joined The Spokesman-Review in 1997. He is editor of the Opinion section and a member of the Editorial Board.

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