Wilderness planes topic at Selway benefit

PUBLIC LANDS -- Richard Holm, author of “Bound for the Backcountry,” will present a program on the history of aviation in Idaho’s backcountry to highlight the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation's eighth annual Winter Gathering and Fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 1, starting at 6 p.m. in the Orchid Room above Morgan's Alley, 301 Main Street in Lewiston.
The event is an open house, with wine and beer, dessert, speakers and a silent auction.
Holm is a pilot and author who has gathered oral histories and conducted interviews about Idaho’s remote airfields and fire lookouts. He grew up in McCall and has published two books: “Bound for the Backcountry—A History of Idaho’s Remote Airstrips” and “Points of Prominence—Fire Lookouts of the Payette National Forest.”
Live music will be performed by Sarah Swett of Moscow.
A silent auction and raffle will be conducted during the evening with fishing and float trips; framed photographs, carvings, handknits and weavings by local artists; rafting, stock, fishing and backpack gear; trout and steelhead flies; theater tickets; meals at local
restaurants, and more.
The Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation’s mission is to connect citizens and communities in the stewardship of the natural and cultural resources of the Selway- Bitterroot Wilderness, Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness and surrounding wildlands.
The Foundation’s work focuses on trail maintenance, invasive weed eradication, monitoring, restoration, cabin hosting, education and other wildland stewardship projects.