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The Slice archive for April 2012


Not saying condoms are laughing matter

I assume everyone has heard stories about boys who stashed a condom in their wallets about half an hour after the onset of puberty. These fantasy-addled lads would make a big show of their not-so secret preparedness for carnal adventure. They did this even though,…

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The Wednesday Slice 

Several years ago, I made a pact with my Spokane-loving sister-in-law in Michigan. We would improve our eating habits during the time it took for hockey's Stanley Cup playoffs to run their course. We didn't really stick with it. This year's playoffs start tonight. They…

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Watery eyes season is here

If you have allergies, you don't need me to tell you. Watery eyes season has arrived. It's a time of year when some of us look like we are overcome with emotion, even though it's really just pollen. I have written about this before. Of…

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One of these two things must be true 

1. An astonishingly high percentage of bike riders must be thieves. 2. A lot of people must be willing to buy bicycles or accessories from sources other than reputable bike shops -- sources that may or may not have obtained the bikes or parts legally.…

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Wish you were here. Oh wait, you are.

Longtime Slice reader Willene Wick left me a phone message not long ago. She noted that, as I often ask readers to send me postcards while on vacations, maybe I should consider sending one to my readers when I am off. That's a thought. But…

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Defining Three Stooges-speak locally

"Why I oughta": This refers to Bloomsday training procrastination. "Spread out": Alludes to Spokane's resistance to infill and high residential density. "Oh, a wise guy, eh": This comes up during the public forum portion of City Council meetings. "Soitenly": Some people of a certain age…

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Non-fan's guide to ignoring NHL playoffs 

The National Hockey League's playoffs begin this week. They last approximately as long as the Battle of Stalingrad. I'm going to assume that you do not care. But because you might hear about these games anyway, here are a few things to consider. You know,…

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Get ready to celebrate Friday the 13th

One way to note the occasion this Friday would be to celebrate knowledge of mathematics and salute people who don't need a computer to make calculations. On April 13, 1970, two days after the mission launched, an oxygen tank aboard Apollo 13 blew up. It…

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Getting to the root of the problem

A brief item in today's Slice column reminded Jim Cole of something. "Last year as I was leaving Hangman Valley golf course, I heard an older gentleman mumbling 'My new $200 putter just taught me it isn't the club that is the problem.' "With that…

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What would you have done? 

Ducked into the post office on South Grand early this morning to stick a few envelopes through the inside mail slot. This was hours before the place would be open for counter service. There was no one else there. On my way out I noticed…

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Another misplaced "Love You"

Coeur d'Alene's John McTear remembers a corporate conference call years ago involving executives in Europe and the U.S. The call went on forever and featured several contentious moments. The participants who weren't already exhausted eventually grew tired. Finally the president took a stab at summaring…

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