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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice archive for Jan. 1, 2014

MONDAY, NOV. 17, 2014

Getting exercise in the winter 

I will keep riding my bike to work as long as the streets are not icy. (Yes, it was brisk this morning.) But eventually I am going to need to find another form of exercise until early spring. (Tomorrow's Slice column is about one possibility.)…

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Two kinds of Monday mornings

My bedtime is usually about like a third-grader's. But because I was off last week, I stayed up last Sunday night and watched a couple of TV shows I normally don't see until the following day. So when Monday morning arrived, I would have been…

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Close encounters of the neighbor kind

I suspect that one of our next-door neighbors probably believes that I all I ever do is attend to the garbage and recycling barrels. That's because 90 percent of the times we see one another I am doing exactly that. Of course, 90 percent of…

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SUNDAY, NOV. 16, 2014

Black and white and read all over  

Someone was watching as I picked up a copy of an out-of-town newspaper from a stack at Huckleberry's one afternoon last week. Monica, a store manager, asked me if the news is better if you select the second copy in the stack, which I had…

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SATURDAY, NOV. 15, 2014

The three movies I want to see 

"Red Army," a documentary about Soviet hockey from the early days to when all the stars were in the NHL. While the North Americans were gooning it up, the Commies made passing a thing of beauty. The one about English artist J.M.W. Turner. Has there…

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FRIDAY, NOV. 14, 2014

"Picture retake day"

Couldn't help but scoff upon seeing a reference to "Picture retake day" on a reader board outside an elementary school. In my day, there were no retakes. When it came to school pictures, you got one chance and that was it. If you made a…

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Ghosts of retail past 

Had lunch this afternoon at a restaurant that has been around for years. My first visit. Well, at least since it became a bistro. Maybe 20 years ago, I did business at that exact spot. But it was a dry cleaners then. While waiting for…

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Browne's Addition: Then and now 

I have a theory. I believe 17% of those who reside in Spokane lived in Browne's Addition at one time or another. I include myself in that 17%. Anyway, I also believe that many of those who lived in that neighborhood west of downtown believe…

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THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 2014

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12, 2014

The Wednesday Slice question 

Are you old enough to remember the days back before computer chips controlled the carburetion and being able to start an automobile on a cold morning could be a matter of pride involving both a magic touch with your right foot and prayer?

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TUESDAY, NOV. 11, 2014

Just wondering 

When you read or hear some dyspeptic individual ask "And this is news because...?" have you ever -- even once -- thought that the answer was not perfectly obvious to anyone who didn't have a corn cob intruding on their person?

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MONDAY, NOV. 10, 2014

SUNDAY, NOV. 9, 2014

Can you answer this trivia question? 

Tomorrow is the anniversary of a calamitous event that took place in 1975. A journalistic account of It inspired a song that includes references to November. That song has the tendency to remind listeners that the names we call lakes now are not the names…

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FRIDAY, NOV. 7, 2014

Overheard in the newsroom

So one of the S-R's affable computer guys was in the newsroom, looking for "Rochelle." Turned out the person he wanted to see is actually named "Rachel." But now I can't stop hearing "Rochelle, Rochelle .. A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to…

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