Coming Thursday
There are a few goodies on tap for tomorrow's Valley Voice. A Liberty Lake city council member was so frustrated during Tueday's meeting focusing on the 2011 budget that she got up and walked out. A special meeting has been called for 6 p.m. Dec. 14 for further budget discussions at City Hall, 22710 E. Country Vista Drive.
The Spokane Valley city council moved rapidly through a lengthy agenda that looked like it would drag on forever. No big decisions during this week's study session, but several interesting votes are scheduled for next week. I've also put together a story on the applicants for the two planning comission vacancies and why the mayor won't be making the recommendations this year.
Reporter Lisa Leinberger has put together a story on the Orchard Project, an after school program at Otis Orchards Elementary. And the recent bad weather appears to have kept car prowling thieves in Liberty Lake from making the rounds. We'll see if that remains the case during the relatively warm weather this week.