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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane Valley

Church development plan on tonight’s agenda

The item on the agenda for tonight's Spokane Valley City Council meeting that will probably attract the most interest is a staff report on the a proposed development agreement between the city and St. John Vianney Church. The church requested the rezoning of a parcel of property next to the church so Catholic Charities can build a low income senior housing complex there. The proposal was met by wide disapproval from the neighborhood.

A quick perusal of the proposed agreement shows the developer is willing to increase the amount of time the site would be limited to only low income senior housing to 75 years, plus implementing various design specifications to help the building blend into the neighborhood.

Other items on the agenda include motions on awarding a couple of road projects and a discussion on putting one-way Sprague on the November ballot. If you find any of the topics interesting, head over to City Hall (11707 E. Sprague) at 6 p.m.

Nina Culver
Nina Culver is a freelancer for The Spokesman-Review's daily newspaper and weekly Voice sections.

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