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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Vox Box archive for Sept. 2007

THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 2007

Late night laughs...

When it gets to be late at night and we are designing the latest issue of the paper, Vox news editor Andrea Chapin plays this to wake us all up...Just when I think YouTube will be the downfall of our society, genius like this rears…

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Seattle Commuters Urged To 'Ride The SLUT'

Ahem... Sensitive readers, turn away now... (KNBC, Los Angeles.) SEATTLE, Wash. -- Some residents in Seattle are calling their new transit system by its acronym: SLUT. Apparently it is officially the "Seattle Streetcar" but many people insist it was originally named the "South Lake Union…

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Introducing Kato Kaelin And The Lashes

First, you need to know that columnist Doug Clark's son, Ben, is the lead singer for the popular Seattle band, The Lashes (and that Ben is a former student body president from Ferris High School). He's the tall, dark-haired kid in the video above. Then,…

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Measure your environmental footprint!

American Public Media has unveiled a free online game called "Consumer Consequences." The interactive game let's you see the "environmental consequences" of our lifestyles on Earth. Click here to play.Players' scores are based on the number of “Earths” it would take to support their lifestyles.…

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What IF mothers ruled the world?

I stole this question from DFO on the Huckleberries blog. Today they are talking about Sally Field's speech at the Emmy's where she credited mothers everywhere. (She plays a mommy on the ABC show "Brothers and Sisters.") Said Sally: "And, let's face it, if the…

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Kids...Don't try this at home...

Cops: Man dies after armless artist’s head-buttPair reportedly fought over woman in suburban Atlanta driveway (AP) SNELLVILLE, Ga. - Police are investigating the death of a man who collapsed after he was head-butted by an armless man in a fight over a woman. Snellville Police…

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 2007

Nebraska State Senator Sues God

Democrat Says He's Making A Point -- Seeks Permanent Injunction Against Almighty (AP) Nebraska State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha, a self-proclaimed agnostic who skips morning prayers during the legislative session and often criticizes Christians, said he filed the lawsuit to show that anybody can…

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MONDAY, SEPT. 17, 2007

Tattoo regret?

br> br>CNNATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Laura Hathaway initially had no regrets after getting a tattoo on her lower back when she was 21. But now, 10 years later, she wants it gone....The American Academy of Dermatology reports tattoo regret is common in the United States.…

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SUNDAY, SEPT. 16, 2007

FRIDAY, SEPT. 14, 2007

From Huckleberries: Unsafe At Any Speed ...

Originally posted at Huckleberries OnlineSR photog Jesse Tinsley passed along this old newspaper add, along with the comment: I was reading a 1942 Popular Science magazine and ran across this image under "Handy Tips for Car Owners". It says that you can install handles on…

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 2007

Weight loss surgery for teens...

What do you all think? This is from an article in today's S-R by Jonel Aleccia"State-paid weight-loss surgery OK'd for young adults" Morbidly obese young adults ages 18 to 20 will be eligible for state-paid surgery for weight loss starting next year, under new rules…

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Illegal Aliens

Are they truly illegal? Should they be? All around I hear people condemning others for hating Mexicans, for having no human love or tollerability toward others. At the same time people curse the others for subjecting our citizens to the dangers of an open boarder,…

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So what is with our leaders?

Ok, so many teens can be empathetic, I think, to Larry Craig. Some I have talked to say, "Who cares if he is gay?" Or, "It would suck to have your life on display like that." Etc...Others enjoy the laughs... See Jon Stewart's take, here...What…

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Robbery Becomes Murder? 

I'm sure many of you have heard about the Jamie Lynn Drake case. If you haven't... she was a 19-year-old graduate from Mead High School and went missing for a while. She was found murdered in suspect, Kevin Newland's mother's summer house. Although Newland was…

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Forget the Government

Who needs it, right? That’s what anarchists think. How do they expect to live? Do you think it would work? Would you honestly be able to live without any rules or regulations? Laws wouldn’t be enforced! I guess this would be a bonus for those…

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Frosh Have it Tough

Hopefully you saw this one in the paper. Basically it says that Freshmen have it horrendously difficult. That elder peers are sadistic tourture Gods that will beat a Freshman to a pulp on a whim. Robbie also alluded to having experience some of it first…

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 4, 2007

World Leaders

Who cares? So you-pick-istan has a terrible leader who is evil and smells terrible. How does that effect teenagers today? Why should todays teenagers be worried about what happens afar or even around here? Do we really have much power in influencing these events? Or…

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SUNDAY, SEPT. 2, 2007

Fall TV

It seems that with the beginning of every coming school year, prime time television achieves new heights in awesomeness. Some of the hot shows causing a lot of buzz are Bionic Woman, Pushing Daisies, Psych, Heroes and tons more. With so many shows to choose…

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In 2006, then-editor Steve Smith of The Spokesman-Review had the idea of starting a publication for an often forgotten audience: teenagers. The Vox Box was a continuation of the Vox, an all-student staffed newspaper published by The Spokesman-Review. High school student journalists who staffed the Vox made all content decisions as they learn about the trade of journalism. This blog's mission was to give students an opportunity to publish their voices. The Vox Box and the Vox wrapped up in June 2009, but you can follow former staffers' new blog at

Blog Archives

Sept. 2007
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