Election Center
Related Coverage, Page 5
Today’s fun fact: It’s World Elephant Day
Happy World Elephant Day. If you have lunch with an elephant today, you should pick up the tab.
Envision Spokane: Mayor doesn’t have authority to block measure from reaching ballot
Envision Spokane is pushing back against Mayor David Condon, who last week sued to keep the group’s Worker Bill of Rights from appearing on the city’s general election ballot in November. In an official response to the city’s lawsuit, which was filed at Condon’s direction, the group argues that the mayor doesn’t have the authority to prevent the measure from reaching the ballot, and that only a supermajority of City Council members can block any initiative from appearing before voters.
After latest count, two Republicans emerge in state House race
Former Franklin County Sheriff Richard Lathim held onto a slim lead over former Othello City Councilman Ken Caylor Friday and seemed likely to advance to the general election against Mary Dye of Pomeroy.
Ramos to face Fagan in City Council race
Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan has a clear opponent after the third day of ballot counting put a little more space between his challengers, Randy Ramos and Ben Krauss. Ramos, a recruiter with Spokane Tribal College, leads Krauss by 26 votes.
Spokane Valley library backers take stock after bond defeat
Supporters of a new Spokane Valley library are weighing their options after failing again to capture the needed supermajority for a $22 million bond issue. Among the possibilities, library officials say, is tightening the boundaries of the areas that would vote on and pay for the tax increase needed for a new Spokane Valley library branch on Sprague Avenue across from the old U-City Mall and updating other existing library facilities.
Two local primary races change as more ballots counted
The top finishers in two local primary races changed in the second day of counting ballots. In the race to face incumbent Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan in the November election, Randy Ramos, a Spokane Tribal College recruiter, edged ahead of Ben Krauss, a Spokane police crime analyst.
Race to face Fagan in November remains close
In the battle to face incumbent Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan in the November election, there is a new leader after the second day of ballot counting.
Shawn Vestal: People, not city, should vote on workers’ bill of rights
Are we confused, electorate? I know I am. On one hand, the city of Spokane has, in essence, sued its citizens on behalf of corporations, trying to prevent voters from getting even a peek at an initiative that would enshrine the kinds of workers’ rights that give the business community the night terrors. On the same day, the city sued a corporation on behalf of a river – perhaps as Sierra Clubby a move as we can ever expect from the administration of David Condon.
Library bond losing in rural areas
The Spokane Valley Library bond passed in the city, but failed badly in the outlying areas.
Treppiedi takes most votes in Spokane School Board election
Long-time Spokane School Board member Rocky Treppiedi easily topped two challengers in the primary to move to the November election.
Spokane primary results: Condon, Fagan, Stratton on top
Spokane Mayor David Condon finished easily in first, and community activist Shar Lichty a comfortable second in the city primary. Incumbents Mike Fagan and Karen Stratton topped the field in their respective council races.
Ballots due by 8 p.m tonight
Tuesday evening is the deadline for casting ballots in the primary election. Chances are you still have yours, because only about 25 percent of Spokane County ballots have made their way to the elections office. Information on the election, and ballot drop boxes, are inside the blog.
Ballots due today for primary election
Nearly four of five voters in Spokane County had not turned in their primary ballots as of Monday. That’s not very good, but it is a bit better than the statewide average, which was below 15 percent. Readers who just asked themselves “What primary ballot?” should consider two possible answers.
Condon sues to keep Envision’s Worker Bill of Rights off ballot
Spokane Mayor David Condon is trying to block the Worker Bill of Rights from appearing on the November ballot just a week after the City Council approved the measure for the ballot. The latest measure put forth by Envision Spokane – the group’s fourth to qualify for the ballot – would amend the city charter to require large employers to pay workers a “family wage,” ensure equal pay for equal work regardless of gender or race, and make it more difficult to terminate workers. The measure would make the rights of a corporation secondary to people’s rights.
Condon wants Worker Bill of Rights blocked from ballot
Spokane Mayor David Condon is trying to block the Worker Bill of Rights from appearing on the November ballot just a week after the City Council approved the measure for the ballot.
Deadline for voting nears
Most Washington voters should take a few minutes, sort through their stacks of junk mail and find their primary ballots. Odds are you haven’t voted and sent them back.
Sunday Spin 2: This seems familiar
In what may be considered a mid-summer ritual, an initiative sponsored by Tim Eyman qualified last week for the November ballot and was denounced by his ardent detractors.
Spin Control: Wrongdoing, not offensive words, is basis for a recall
OLYMPIA – As Airway Heights Mayor Patrick Rushing continues to suffer the slings and arrows from outrageous comment, it’s not uncommon for a supporter to call or write the paper and echo hizzoner’s challenge to his challengers. That is, if the voters don’t like what he wrote, they can recall him. Actually, no.
Tax-focused Eyman initiative qualifies for ballot
OLYMPIA – Tim Eyman’s latest effort to make it harder for the Legislature to raise taxes will be on the fall ballot. State election officials said Wednesday that Initiative 1366 has more than enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot and will join Initiative 1401, which would give added protections to certain endangered species.
Latest Eyman initiative will be on November ballot
Latest initiative from Tim Eyman and company qualifies for the ballot.