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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Election Center

Related Coverage, Page 3

Spokane candidates on the Mayor Vs. the City Council

Everything’s golden, or This. Means. War.

Spokane candidates on their political heroes

Even politicians have heroes.

Poll: Tax initiative support slipping, animal initiative strong

Voter support may be waning for I-1366, the supermajority for tax increases proposal, but remains strong for I-1401, the animal protection measure, the Elway Poll suggests

I-1366 is another swing at tax supermajority requirement

I-1366 tries to force the Legislature into a super-majority to pass tax increases.

Elway Poll: Voters split on tax initiative; animal measure leading

Voters are evenly split on the latest initiative that would require supermajorities to approve taxes but seem strongly in favor of one that would have extra penalties for selling ivory and products from endangered animals, a new Elway Poll says.

I-1401 would add state protection for some endangered animals

Initiative 1401 takes aim at poachers, but opponents say it’s a feel-good measure that will create problems for people who have legal ivory.

Condon says city is thriving; Lichty points to recent police controversy

Ronald Reagan, a political hero of Spokane Mayor David Condon, famously asked voters in 1980, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” The answer that year was a resounding no, and Reagan entered the White House on a white horse.

Spin Control: Of David and the G-man

David and Goliath is almost as popular in politics as the Bible. But who would you really rather be as a candidate?

372 voters in north Spokane County will get extra ballot

Extra ballot will soon arrive to 372 voters in north Spokane County to correct an error made on their ballots for the Nov 3 election. The voters live in an area that used to be part of Spokane County Water District 3. But it recently was transferred to Whitworth Water District.

Sue Lani Madsen: More red tape won’t save the elephants

Initiative 1401 is an exercise in ineffective redundancy that will do little to curb the poaching of elephants and other magnificent animals.

In race to lead Spokane City Council, Stuckart faces legislative veteran

Not a lot of people wanted John Ahern to run against Ben Stuckart for the position of Spokane City Council president. Following his lopsided loss to Councilman Jon Snyder two years ago, and his out-of-pocket demand for a limited recount that had no chance to change the race’s outcome, the former Republican state legislator gained the reputation of being a weak candidate and a poor loser.

Spokane Valley candidates offer different views on transportation

He’s half the age or younger than the other Spokane Valley City Council members, but that doesn’t seem to bother Ben Wick, 33.

Teacher squares off against nonprofit leader in Spokane school board race

ELECTION PREVIEW: The race for Spokane School Board between a Spokane Valley high school teacher, Paul Schneider, and a nonprofit leader, Patricia Kienholz.

Washington ballots for Nov. 3 election are in mail

Elections officials across the state are putting ballots for the general election in the mail

Washington ballots for Nov. 3 election are in mail

Elections officials across the state are putting ballots for the general election in the mail.

Retired school superintendent faces former student in election

The race for the only contested Spokane Valley Fire Department commissioner seat is between the former Central Valley School District superintendent and one of his former students.

Only one challenger for Liberty Lake council seats

There are five open positions but only on contested race on the Liberty Lake City Council: Dan Dunne is being challenged by former council member Josh Beckett.

In 9th District race, campaign trail and John Wayne Trail intersect

Republicans Mary Dye and Richard Lathim face off for a southeast Washington House seat.

Once-rejected Spokane County charter proposed again

The call for a charter to address representation issues in Spokane County government is nothing new.

Spokane County Commission expansion proposal comes amid hostile divide on board

The proposal to expand the Spokane County Commission to five members is occurring in a contentious political climate that dates back at least a year.