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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

President of the United States

Related Coverage, Page 15

Cruz wins Idaho primary; full story

With 65% of vote in, Cruz has 43.9% to win Idaho

The latest results, with 621 of 956 precincts reporting - that’s 65 percent - show Ted Cruz winning the Idaho GOP presidential primary with 43.9 percent of the vote. Donald Trump is in second place with 28.7 percent; Marco Rubio trails with 16.7 percent; and…

Vick: Idaho R’s appreciate a ‘consistent conservative’

Idaho state Sen. Steve Vick, R-Dalton Gardens, was celebrating Ted Cruz’ Idaho win tonight, and grabbed a Cruz sign off the wall at the GOP election night watch party as the crowd dwindled and people cleared out. “I’m pretty excited,” Vick said. “I think Idaho’s…

Latest results: Cruz 41.7%, Trump 29.8%, Rubio 17.7%

Here are the latest statewide results from the Idaho Secretary of State: With 226 of 955 precincts reporting, or 24 percent, Ted Cruz leads with 41.7% of the vote, followed by Donald Trump, 29.8%; Marco Rubio, 17.7%; and John Kasich, 6.7%.

Today’s Idaho presidential primary, by the numbers…

A look at today’s Idaho presidential primary, by the numbers; just the Republican and Constitution parties are participating in today’s primary vote. Idaho Democrats will caucus on March 22. Polls are open today from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Rubio rallies Boise crowd, says he’s best bet to beat Clinton

GOP hopeful Marco Rubio stressed his conservative credentials and religious beliefs as he urged Idahoans to back him for president at a Boise rally on Sunday night, just two days before the state’s GOP primary election on Tuesday.

Crowd gathers for Rubio rally in Boise

People lined up to crowd into a chilly hangar near the Boise Airport this evening for a rally for Marco Rubio, after Rubio drew 1,200 at a similar rally earlier this evening in Idaho Falls. This comes after Ted Cruz drew more than 3,000 people…

Idaho school levies share ballot with presidential primary picks

Three North Idaho school districts hope voters of all stripes head to the polls Tuesday, the day Republicans in the state hold their presidential primary. All three districts have a lot riding on Tuesday’s ballot, with school funding measures that account for 20 to 40 percent of their operating budgets. But with such high interest in the presidential race, voter turnout will be heavily conservative for the tax measures.

Sen. Lacey won’t seek re-election, endorses Rep. Nye for his seat

Sen. Roy Lacey, D-Pocatello, announced today that he won’t seek re-election, and instead is endorsing Rep. Mark Nye, D-Pocatello, to replace him. Lacey has served two terms in the Senate and one in the House before that. The two both represent District 29, Bannock County….