Washington Guard trains for combat with Strykers
Washington National Guard’s 81st Combat Brigade trains on new weapons and tactics as it converts to a Stryker unit.
Members of Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion 146th Field Artillery, fire their M77A2 Howitzers at the Yakima Training Center.
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Members of Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion 146th Field Artillery, fire their M77A2 Howitzers at the Yakima Training Center.
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The interior of a Stryker has seats for nine soldiers and their gear as well as the vehicle’s crew.
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Members of Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion 146th Field Artillery, fire their M77A2 Howitzers at the Yakima Training Center.
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Sgt. Robert Brooks, of Auburn, a Stryker gunner, looks out over the Yakima Training Center on the way to the firing range. A 20-year Guard veteran, Brooks is the only member still in his company who deployed twice to Iraq with the 81st Combat Brigade.
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A Stryker vehicle from the 81st Combat Brigade moves through the dust on a gravel road in Yakistan, the name some soldiers have for the Yakima Training Center.
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Members of a Stryker team from the 81st Combat Brigade take a break during a live fire exercise at the Yakima Training Center.
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Members of Bravo Battery, 2nd Battalion 146th Field Artillery, fire their M77A2 Howitzers at the Yakima Training Center.
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