Northern Quest Resort & Casino will celebrate Native American Heritage Month with a series of events that allow guests to explore Kalispel Tribal traditions and culture. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Local author Colin Conway has largely kept a low profile for the majority of his writing career. But with more than 30 novels behind him, he’s decided it’s time to start talking about his craft.
Rounding out a politically polarizing week, the Spokane Symphony’s “Fire & Ice” masterworks concert will feature one of the classical music world’s most iconic crowd-pleasers.
This article was initially pitched as a round-up of fall-themed cocktails, but as I was researching (on TikTok), I stumbled across what seems to be fall 2022’s drink of note: the negroni sbagliato. Granted, this particular entry is mostly an exercise in self-indulgence, but, if you’ll bear with me, I think the drink’s color alone – a vibrant red-orange – qualifies it as fall-themed and, therefore, a worthy addition to the list.
1 Devon Wade – 6 p.m. on Friday, Post Falls Brewing Company, 112 N Spokane St., Post Falls. Country performer Devon Wade visits Post Falls Brewing Company. For information, visit or call (208) 773-7301. Admission: FREE
Between studying classical voice and working behind the scenes at local and national performing arts organizations, Melody Chang Heaton has learned there’s often more than one way to fulfill your passions.