Despite Chills, Fire Danger High Around Idaho Lakes Due To Dry Grass, Brush, Open Fires Are Banned And Tickets Will Be Issued To Violators
Fishing on Lake Coeur d’Alene may be chilly this time of year but don’t start a fire to get warm, Kootenai County fire officials warn.
Despite regulations against open burning, some campers, fishermen and picnickers have been lighting small campfires along the shores of Lake Coeur d’Alene and Fernan Lake, said Deputy Fire Chief Ron Sampert.
Grass and brush along the lake shores are already crackling dry and ready to burn, he said.
“If even one fire is let go, it’s going to wipe out that whole area,” he said.
Camp fires are prohibited along the north shore of Lake Coeur d’Alene, including Cougar Bay, Wolf Lodge Bay and Beauty Bay. Open burning is also prohibited along Fernan Lake, Sampert said.
Last week, Sampert found three fires burning along the Cougar Bay shore. Two were attended by fishermen, but one had been left to burn uncontrolled.
Although fire officials have not enforced the regulation strictly before, Sampert said they’ll do so now. Fires can result in a citation and a fine of at least $50, he said.
Although the snow and rain of winter seems to have barely subsided, Sampert said grass and brush dries out extremely quickly.
On Friday, a half an acre of brush and trees area went up in flames in the Cougar Gulch area. Children playing with matches had started that fire, Sampert said.
“It can go very fast,” Sampert said. “We just want to make sure everybody can enjoy the lakes.”