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Births recorded in the Spokane area during the 24-hour period ending at 1 p.m. April 18, 1995:

Sacred Heart

Carroll To Elizabeth and David Carroll, Spokane, girl.

Distefano To Barbara and Michael Distefano, Fairchild Air Force Base, girl.

Ballain To Lisa and Craig Ballain, Medical Lake, boy.

Hoerner To Jean and Brian Hoerner, Spokane, boy.

Holy Family

Thompson-Gouthia To Monic Thompson and Dareon Gouthia, Spokane, girl (April 14).

Palmer To Marlene and Michael Palmer, Spokane, girl (April 16).

Farrar-Uhlenkott To Adrianne Farrar and Jeffrey Uhlenkott, Spokane, girl.


Doney To Jennifer and Wade Doney, Spokane, boy (April 15).

Gross To Janet and Dennis Gross, Pullman, boy.

Passaretti To Tina and Jeffrey Passaretti, Fairchild Air Force Base, boy.

Harrison-Jones To Debbi Harrison and Heath Jones, Spokane, boy.

Manthei To Carrie and Mike Manthei, Richland, boy.

Pavel To Joanna and Emanuel Pavel, Spokane, boy.

Valley Hospital and Medical Center

Hall To Kristi and Vern Hall, Spokane, girl (April 16).

Orcutt-Coon To Kara Orcutt and Todd Coon, Spokane, boy (April 16).

Packwood To Phyllis and John Packwood, Spokane, girl (April 16).

Rudd To Jan and Jay Rudd, Veradale, boy.