Ebony Show Brings Glitz, Glamour
Spokane’s Sheraton Hotel will glitter with the high fashion glamour of top American, French, Italian and British designs when the 37th annual Ebony fashion fair visits on Tuesday.
The show, titled “The Shining Hour of Fashion ‘94-95,” begins at 8 p.m.
The world’s largest traveling fashion show is being brought to Spokane by the local chapter of Links Inc., a women’s civic organization that promotes charitable activities on the local, national and international levels.
Much of the Links work is dedicated to helping youth, explained member Emelda Brown. Locally, the group organizes programs to encourage young people to stay in school and to attend college. The organization works to develop students’ cultural interests by taking them to the symphony, the theater and other arts events.
The Spokane chapter is also raising money to buy buses for African communities.
Hosting the Ebony fashion fair provides the non-profit group with one of its largest fund-raising events of the year, Brown said.
“We get a really good response within the community,” she said, noting that around 600 people attended last year’s show. Once people have experienced the show, they “become true believers,” Brown said, greatly anticipating the show and returning year after year.
The evening promises to have something for everyone. Aside from being a showcase of fine fashions for men and women, Brown described the event as “a real production, very exciting and beautiful” with scenery, lighting and music. It’s a night out that can be as formal or casual as a person wants to make it, she explained.
Tickets cost $25 and are available by calling 466-5334 or 244-2407. They also can be purchased at Larry’s Barber Shop, 3019 E. Fifth. Reserved tables are available for parties of 10 or more.
ILLUSTRATION: Two Color Photos