New listings
Sandpoint High School, Class of 1945 Sept. 1-3; call Julie Wahlgren at 208-263-5510.
497th F.I.S. Sept. 1-3, Yakima; contact Ted Marquis, P.O. Box 9063, Yakima, WA 98909, or call 509-965-2537.
Broadway (Seattle) High School, Class of 1945 Sept. 30; call Roberta Moore Maxon at 206-524-4838.
Lewis and Clark High School, Class of 1966 July 21, 1996; call Betsy at 747-1587 or Diane at 325-3291.
Riverside High School, Class of 1970 Call Mike Youchum at 292-0338 or Paul Brunton at 324-6369.
Fighting 69th Infantry Division Association Oct. 22-29, Myrtle Beach, S.C.; call George Wolff at 803-272-4247 or write: 1132 Forest Drive, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582.
B-36 Peacemaker Reunion Oct. 13-15, Merced, Calif.; call Chuck Barber at 619-561-5505.
Aleutian Island Veterans Sept. 10-12 in Dubois, Wyo.; Oct. 10-12 in Laughlin, Nev.; Oct. 28-30 in Avon Park, Fla; and Nov. 5-7 in Sanford, N.C.; send self-addressed, stamped envelope to A.F. King, P.O. Box 130327, Sunrise, FL 33313, or call 305-423-1852.
USS Portland CA-33 Sept. 22-26, Seattle; contact Ted Waller, P.O. Box 38549, Dallas, TX 75238-0549, or call 214-341-7152.
7th Armored Division Sept. 7-10, Colorado Springs, Colo.; contact Glenn Fackler, 23218 Springbrook Drive, Farmington Hills, MI 48336, or call 810-476-0777.
USS Haven (AH-12) Oct. 5-8; call 1-813-855-6515.
Okanogan County Pioneer Picnic Sept. 4, Conconully State Park; call 509-422-3723 or 422-7275.
ISC/ISC-Bunker Ramo/Olivetti picnic for current and past employees, Sept. 9, noon, Terrace View Park in the Valley; call 255-6555.