Idaho Records
Police blotter Kootenai County Sheriff
George Luger, Spokane, reported Monday the $2,600 theft of speakers, a citizen’s band radio and a camera from his cabin at Mokins Bay. Damage from the theft is estimated at $20.
Norman Snyder reported Monday the $3,600 theft of a revolver, a video camera, two cameras and $800 in cash from his home in the 6200 block of Big Rock Road, near Post Falls.
Jerry Scheneman reported Monday the $780 theft of tools from his home in the 7800 block of Franklin, Coeur d’Alene.
Coeur d’Alene Police
Andrew McCarley reported Sunday $300 damage to his window by someone throwing something at his car while he was driving on 15th Street.
Elizabeth Knoke, owner of Lakeside Apartment Building, 1201 Lakeside, reported Monday the $400 theft of cash.
Kenneth Pittsley reported Monday the $1,650 theft of golf clubs and a bag from his home in the 2100 block of Fairway.
Kerry Hinton reported Monday the $326 theft of 50 tapes and their case, clothes and dishes from her home in the 600 block of Davidson.
Cliff Iverson reported Jan. 26 the $1,860 theft of a semi-automatic pistol, a gold ring and two life-sized plastic Indian figures in full dress from his garage in the 2400 block of A St.
News of Record
Shoshone County Civil complaint
Microsupply Inc. vs. Robert and Barbara Belcher, dba Innovative Computer Technologies, seeking $8,776.
Civil dismissal
Credit Bureau of Shoshone County Inc. vs. Wilson Bening.
Kootenai County Criminal sentencings Judge James Judd
Joel Sailas, 29, Coeur d’Alene; possession of a controlled substance; $350 fine, $175 reimbursement for defense; 10 days in jail, one year determinate penitentiary time (suspended), two years’ indeterminate penitentiary time (suspended), 150 hours’ community service, three years’ probation, $175 restitution to victims.
Judge Robert Burton
Mark Bingle, 30, Coeur d’Alene. Count I: driving under the influence; $500 fine, 90 days in jail (88 days suspended) or 16 hours on county work program, two year probation. Count II: driving without privileges; $300 fine, 90 days in jail (88 days suspended), two years’ probation.
John Jarvis, 29, Post Falls; inattentive driving; $300 fine, 90 days in jail (85 days suspended) or 40 hours on county work program, two years’ probation.
Vici Water, 46, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $500 fine, two days in jail or 16 hours on county work program, one year probation.
Edward McGuire, 23, St. Maries; domestic battery; $100 fine, 90 days in jail (78 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Judge Patrick Luster
Max Talley, 49, Cataldo; domestic battery; $100 fine, 60 days in jail (58 days suspended), 32 hours on county work program, two years’ probation.
Ronald Spencer, 50, Sitka, Alaska; driving under the influence; $633 fine, 90 days in jail (80 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Robert Clark, 46, Hayden Lake; driving under the influence; 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Christopher Housley, 19, Post Falls. Count I: driving without privileges; 90 days in jail (70 days suspended), 75 hours’ community service, two years’ probation. Count II: possession of drug paraphernalia; 90 days in jail (70 days suspended), one year probation. Count III: failure to purchase a driver’s license; 90 days in jail (70 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Kermit Flodin, 59, Rathdrum; driving under the influence; $248 fine, 30 days in jail (28 days suspended), 16 hours on county work program.
Judge Barbara Buchanan
Dan Weaver, 26, Hayden Lake; failure to purchase a driver’s license; $48 fine, 10 days in jail (six days suspended), one year probation.
Judge Barry Watson
Jessica White, 17, Post Falls; failure to appear; 60 days in jail (17 days suspended), one year probation.
Emmett Johnson, 44, Kennewick, Wash.; malicious injury to property; 90 days in jail (80 days suspended), two years’ probation.
Joshua Roberg, 20, Coeur d’Alene; petty theft; $150 fine ($50 suspended), 30 days in jail (27 days suspended), one year probation.
Wesley Heyer, 43, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $500 fine, 60 days in jail (57 days suspended) or 16 hours on county work program, two years’ probation.