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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Want Equality? Then Get Thee To A Laptop, Woman

Compiled By Staff Writer Dan Web

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich says the following in the college class he teaches (courtesy of the Washington Post):

“What does personal strength mean in the age of the laptop? Which, by the way, is a major reason for the rise of power for women.

“If upper body strength matters, men win. They are both biologically stronger, and they don’t get pregnant. Pregnancy is a period of male domination in traditional society.

“(But) if what matters is the speed with which you can move the laptop, women are at least as fast, and in some ways better….”

“If combat means being in a ditch, females have biological problems staying in a ditch for 30 days because they get infections… On the other hand, men are basically little piglets, you drop them in the ditch, they roll around in it, doesn’t matter, you know.”

Loose talk

Words of wisdom from neo-hunk Brad Pitt (in Vanity Fair): “All people I find interesting, in the fact that all people are basically good, and yet life is tough. The majority of people are right, coming from where they’re coming from.”

His wife, Bonnie, lies over him

Billy Ocean turns 45 today.

Country Joe’s class yelled out a different letter

Singer Bobby McFerrin, teaching some 400 St. Paul, Minn., firstgraders a music lesson learned a lesson of his own on Wednesday. Having asked the students what key a various piece should be played in, the answer came back “H!” McFerrin turned to the student orchestra, commanded “Gimme an H!” and the orchestra responded with a cacophonous blast. Thereupon the student audience cheered.

Life is like one long road tour

In addition to being in Japan during its recent earthquake, singer Billy Joel was touring the former Soviet Union when glasnost broke out, played Berlin the night Germany reunited, and was at Clark Air Force Base when Baghdad was bombed.”I feel like Forrest Gump,” he said. “I’ve got to get off the road.”

But, you know, they drink only the imported stuff

Here’s one novice’s idea of Hollywood. It belongs to supermodel Tyra Banks, 21, who makes her film debut in John Singleton’s “Higher Learning.” “So far,” Banks said, “Hollywood seems like a lot of American guys with beer bellies.”

Now, she sings, someday my prince will come

It’s now official: Camilla Parker Bowles and her husband of 21 years, Andrew, were granted their divorce on Thursday. The couple has two children, Tom, 20, and Laura, 16.

Now, if we were talking Wimbledon…

Say what you want about ex-tennis star John McEnroe, he does have a sense of priorities about his breakup with Tatum O’Neal. “Marriage is something you expect to last an entire lifetime,” he told Tennis magazine. “Seeing that fall apart is rough and that much rougher when you have kids involved like I did. How are you going to compare that to losing the French Open?”

The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = Compiled by staff writer Dan Webster