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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

4 Counties May Get Federal Disaster Aid

From Staff And Wire Reports

Gov. Mike Lowry is asking the federal government to designate four Washington counties as disaster areas.

The governor sent a formal request for aid Friday to the U.S. Department of Agriculture to offset losses in Whitman, Garfield, Franklin and Okanogan counties caused by heavy rain and hail storms this month and in June.

The four counties experienced heavy rains, flash floods, hail and high winds that damaged cherries, apples and grain crops.

Whitman County sustained $31.8 million in damage.

The heavy rains on July 9 that ripped through Eastern Washington and North Idaho hit the Palouse town of Garfield particularly hard.

The tornadolike storm blew off roofs, pushed trees onto homes and damaged crops.

If the counties are declared federal disaster areas, they will be eligible for low-interest loans from the Farm Home Administration.

, DataTimes