Woman Shoots At Burglar
A Spokane County woman shot at a teenager who broke into her rural home Saturday.
County sheriff’s deputies arrested a 17-year-old Deer Park boy on charges of first-degree burglary. Deputies did not identify the boy or the woman, who lives in the 29800 block of North Spotted Road.
Lt. David Wiyrick said the woman was home alone about 8 a.m. when somebody knocked on the door. She did not answer.
An intruder kicked in her back door a few minutes later, Wiyrick said. He found the woman in her bedroom, assaulted her and knocked her to the floor.
The boy ran from the home when the woman shot at him several times with a handgun she keeps in the bedroom, Wiyrick said.
Saddle shop robbed
Saddles valued at $12,000 were stolen from a North Side business last week, Spokane police said.
Burglars entered the Jesse Smith Saddlery Shop, 3601 E. Boone, sometime Wednesday morning by smashing the glass front door with a rock.
Nineteen saddles - some custom-made - were stolen from a display area, along with two sets of saddlebags and three knives. The saddles were stamped with the company name and a four-digit number.