UI Students Receive Scholarship Awards
The University of Idaho has awarded more than $2.7 million in scholarships to new and continuing students for the 1995-96 academic year.
Individual scholarship awards range from $100 to $6,000.
Moscow students receiving scholarships include:
Denise R. Bowen, presidential; Christopher C. Boyd, Herbert S. Riesbol Memorial; Jeremy J. Brandt, Athletic Fifth-Year PostEligibility Out-of-State Tuition Waiver and Athletic Fifth-Year Post-Eligibility; Angela L. Brass, Mary Hall Niccolls; Michael C. Bratley, Parents Association and Viola Vestal Coulter Foundation; Richard M. Briggs, Marie Haasch Whitesel; Anthony L. Brower, Business Department Scholarship; Robert W. Buchert, Forestry Class of ‘42 Scholarship; and Jonathon M. Campbell, Hecla Bunker Hill.
Sean F. Campbell, Alumni Association; Julie A. Cantamessa, Mary Hall Niccolls and Agnes Eikum Chase Memorial Scholarship; Andrew R. Carson, Alumni Association; Janette M. Cartwright, University AROTC Scholarship and presidential; Brian H. Castle, Allen S. Janssen and Catherine, H.L. and W.L. Brandt; Robin M. Chang, Grace V. Nixon (English); Sally A. Chang, Ceramics Scholarship and Catherine, H.L. and W.L. Brandt; Robin M. Chang, Grace V. Nixon (English); and Sally A. Chang, Ceramics Scholarship and Catherine, H.L. and W.L. Brandt.
Elizabeth S. Chausse, S.E. “Ed” and Mary Hamacher Ranta Music; Kimberly E. Childress, presidential and Kyle McCurry Memorial Scholarship; Tung-Yuan Chou, Ben A. Harrison; Kari A. Christophersen, Earl and Ada David and UI Honors Scholarship; Jon P. Christophersen, Alumni Association and presidential; Brandee A. Clifton, Edwin and Esther Rettig and Catherine, H.L. and W.L. Brandt; and David A. Conditt, Ropert E. Kirby Music Scholarship.
Laurel L. Congleton, W.H. “Butch” Boyer; Sarah J. Congleton, Alumni Association, College of Agriculture Development and Moscow Grange No. 236 Scholarship; Heather L. Conklin, Columbia Paint; Penelope L. Constantikes, Zeigler Education Foundation and Sunshine Mining Women’s Scholarship; David E. Coombs, Anthony Nelson Memorial; and Cheryl L. Copeland, A.E. Larson and Florence Summers Hollada Scholarship.
, DataTimes MEMO: Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements and good deeds by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Ste. 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a selfaddressed, stamped envelope.