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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

The Slice Dog’s Duty Was In The Bag

We saw a woman waiting for her little dog to do its business on a patch of grass near the Cheney Cowles Museum. And we wanted to applaud.

The woman held a little scoop and a plastic bag. Just think how much more pleasant walking would be if all dog owners did the same.

Dona M. Van Gelder’s pet peeve: Scenes in movies showing a woman hanging clothes out on a line to dry that mostly succeed in revealing that the actress has utterly no idea how to properly tackle this chore.

Just wondering: Do drivers on the road between Colfax and Pullman ALWAYS zoom right up on your bumper and then recklessly pass in the hope that they will get to their destination 10 seconds sooner?

Maybe she got tired of that dippy expression: A friend read that filming is about to begin in Seattle for a movie called “Barbie Kills Ken.”

Tube note: If you’ve seen “The Birdcage,” you’ll want to know “Spartacus” is on Disney tonight.

Kindness of strangers: Worley’s Wid Parsons, a self-described senior citizen, couldn’t remember where he had left his car in a Spokane hospital garage. So a father with two little girls drove him around until they found it.

And on Sunday a family that had purchased $90 worth of carpet and floor-cement looked back and realized the stuff had fallen off the truck. They backtracked and discovered someone had gathered up the load and neatly placed it by a corner at Indiana and Perry.

Slice answers: Reardan’s Gail Jantz said leaflets dropped on this area from an airplane should say “Support downtown Spokane.”

After we asked about things people found in odd places after parties, a caller told of the time a rotten Easter egg was discovered in the drawer of a sewing machine in July.

And another reader suggested Spokane acts like a next-to-the-oldest sibling who knows the oldest will always be No. 1.

Warm-up questions: Who holds the record for shortest elapsed time between putting on clean clothes and spilling food or drink on the outfit? What ever became of all the rubbery spiders, lizards and what-have-you cranked out by kids who owned a Thingmaker back in the ‘60s?

Today’s Slice question: Does it bug you when people refer to Seattle as “the coast”?

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Drawing

MEMO: The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.

The Slice appears Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098.