Exhibition Pays Homage To Chimney Rock
Spring is the season for rebirth.
With that, the Entree Gallery in Nordman (by Priest Lake) will re-open its doors on Wednesday for the 1996 season.
The gallery will present a mixed-media exhibition called “Chimney Rock,” featuring the work of several North Idaho artists.
The display pays homage to a popular site, overlooking Priest Lake. According to the Kootenai tribe, the legend surrounding Chimney Rock is that it’s a coyote in disguise, who watches over the West for approaching enemies.
On Mother’s Day, the Entree Gallery will host a special open house, featuring refreshments, a door prize and a complimentary flower for each mom.
The gallery is open seven days a week, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For additional information, call (208) 443-2001.
Baskin featured in lecture
Renowned American artist Leonard Baskin will be the subject of a slide show and lecture Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Hughes Auditorium at Gonzaga University. A reception will follow the free event.
Baskin, 73, is a sculptor, printmaker and book designer. His rabbinical training is reflected in his art.
For more information, call professor Bob Gilmore at 328-4220, Ext. 3212.
Exhibit to open
The 2MT Gallery, 206 S. Wall, will display the ceramic sculptures and paintings of Chris Mercer through the month of May. The exhibition, entitled “Here and Now,” opens with a reception at 5 p.m., Saturday. Gallery hours are 3 to 7 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Call 456-3821.
Local artist in major show
Olivia Waterman’s watercolor, “Namu Amida Butsu … Fresno Buddhist Church Altar,” was accepted into the American Watercolor Society’s 129th annual International Exhibition in New York City. The Spokane artist’s painting hangs through today.
, DataTimes