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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Cheap Seats

An alarming trend

So much for the feel-good era of Rick Adelman. Hired by the Warriors to heal the wounds opened in the regime of coach Don Nelson, Adelman erupted when Rony Seikaly overslept for a 1 p.m. New Year’s Day practice.

“It’s the first practice I’ve missed,” sniffed Seikaly. “I don’t know what the big deal is.”

Countered an exasperated Adelman, “Is 2 hours in the middle of the day too much to ask?”

Seikaly downplayed the problem thusly: “Believe me, I’m not going to lose any sleep over this.”

Give ‘em a quarter of an inch…

…and they’ll take the Citrus Bowl. That’s the theory of Ohio State coach John Cooper, who says he can prove some Tennessee players wore cleats that were too long in the Vols’ 20-14 victory.

NCAA rules limit the length of cleats to one-half inch, but Cooper said some Vols used three-quarter-inch cleats - and has a shoe worn by Vols receiver Joey Kent to prove it.

Cooper noticed the longer cleats during warmups and called it to the officials’ attention, “but they didn’t do anything about it. One guy told me they didn’t have a ruler,” Cooper squawked.

Athletic director Andy Geiger said someone - he doesn’t know who - went into Tennessee’s locker room after the game and took Kent’s cleats.

Use of illegal equipment is a 5-yard penalty. Rules don’t address its use for an entire game.

Cooper said he was reluctant to discuss the issue for fear of sounding like he was making excuses for losing.

Coop? Make excuses? Never!

Stalking out of turn

The California Angels were holding an informal workout last week at Anaheim Stadium, where the movie, “The Fan,” is being filmed. Robert De Niro portrays a fan who stalks major-league players.

“Great, one of us is going to get clipped next season,” said infielder Rex Hudler. “I hope this doesn’t give someone a crazy idea.”

Like what? Actually caring about Rex Hudler?

So how do you really feel, Bob?

The Rose Bowl is long over, but Long Beach Press-Telegram columnist Bob Keisser is still cranky.

“The Trojans reaction to their Rose Bowl win may have been its worst display of sportsmanship, common sense and perspective ever, which is saying something by USC standards,” he wrote.

“USC bellowing about receiving no respect in its hometown is just silly. Trojans football has an open credit line. Even when it’s bad, it is … afforded everyday coverage because it is listed on L.A.’s birth certificate. As John McKay once noted, no one ever attended the University of the Rams.

“Let me add this up: In the last five years, USC has let the Notre Dame rivalry become a whuppin’ and lost five straight to UCLA. It laid down in the Freedom Bowl against Fresno State and cost a coach his job. USC has let some of its standards slip, to the point where there are nagging questions about academics, SAT scores and police records.

“Now USC feels good because it killed Bambi?”

The last word …

“Charles and I have no-trade clauses. His is written in. Mine, well, nobody wants to trade for me.”

- Suns center Joe Kleine, on teammate Charles Barkley

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