Idaho Records
Coeur d’Alene police
Beulah Higgs reported Monday the $3,500 theft of a gold wedding set from her room at Pinewood Care Center.
Darlene Hendershot reported Monday the $3,900 theft of her Toyota pickup from a home on the 900 block of Bancroft Ave.
Reneye Glahn, secretary for the First Presbyterian Church, reported Monday $300 damage to a window of the church at 521 Lakeside Ave.
Jacquline Pabst, office manager for Dr. Pabst’s office, reported Monday $500 damage to a window and door of the business at 1801 Third St.
Kathy Mans reported Monday the $2,000 theft of her pickup from her home on the 5300 block of Pinegrove Drive.
Kootenai County sheriff
David LePard, Harrison, reported Monday the $12,030 theft of his Toyota pickup and cash from One Shot Charlie’s in Harrison.
Richard Bertsch, employee of Bertsch Construction, reported Monday $2,148 damage to a trailer and backhoe while it was parked at a job site on Twin Lakes Road.
Jerry Berry, Athol, reported Monday the $470 theft of a chainsaw and tools from his home on the 6500 block of Remington Road.
Colin Wainwright, California, reported Monday the $4,500 theft of a riding lawn mower from his cabin at Singing Hills Ranch on Spirit Lake.
Rhonda Shuman, employee of Lightning Bar, reported Monday the $380 theft of cigarettes, alcohol and cash from the business at U.S. Highway 41 and Golf Course Road.
Steve Heberer, Hayden, reported Monday the $1,000 theft of a boat motor from his boat while it was parked at a home on the 9900 block of Meadow Way.
Donna Ward, Post Falls, reported Tuesday $750 damage to a window of her home on the 100 block of Twig St.
Shoshone County
Marriage licenses
Paul Flory and Jeana Darling, both of Smelterville.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Eugene Marano
David James, 20, Coeur d’Alene; driving under the influence; $1,000 fine ($500 suspended), 180 days in jail (177 days suspended), two years probation.
David Seiss, 36, Coeur d’Alene; battery; $500 fine ($200 suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Robert Burton
Kevin Diemert, 22, Rathdrum; driving under the influence; $500 fine, 90 days in jail (75 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge John Luster
Christopher Kidd, 32, Athol; driving under the influence; $431 fine, 180 days in jail (90 days suspended), two years probation.
Civil complaints
Idaho Department of Labor and Industrial Services vs. Guy Sisson, dba GJS Drywall and Paint, seeking an amount to be proved in court.
Idaho Department of Labor and Industrial Services vs. Randy Oswalt, dba Coeur d’Alene Roofing, seeking an amount to be proved in court.
Civil judgments
Johnson-Rountree Inc vs. Samuel and Debbie Peterson, award of $1,383.
Civil dismissals
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare vs. Michael E. Russell.
Divorces sought
Laurcene Lori Barnes from Stephen Barnes.
Charles Barclay from Sylvia Barclay.
, DataTimes