New listings
Orchard Prairie School, 100 Year Reunion July 20; contact Ken Lewis, 489-9622.
Yakima High School, Class of 1956 contact Barbara Hooper, 466-0144, Karen Simpson, 238-6778, or Nick Rasmussen, 966-2349.
Lewis and Clark High School, Class of 1939 June 29-30; contact Mary Nell, 489-2934, or Jane, 328-4720.
Trinity Western University, Alumni Association Host Reunion July 18-21, Langley, BC; contact, TWU Alumni Association, (800) 463-5419.
Marcus students, teachers and Marcus residents and families July 20, Marcus (Wash.) City Hall and City Park; contact Darrell Shute, 753-6444, or Dick Sphuler, 684-2778.