Approximately 35 percent of those women who tell pollsters they’d prefer a different eye color say they’d like green.
Walter James Alcock kept faith in his bright idea throughout the 1880s even though naysayers scoffed. But somebody finally listened. Good. It was he who first suggested that manufacturers perforate toilet paper.
Q. Do those giant loggerhead turtles ever attack people?
A. Only with intent to mate. They’re nearsighted.
Consider that word “desuetude,” pronounced “des’-witood.” It’s the condition of disuse. Whatever it is, if active once but now undone, it’s in a state of desuetude. Old laws. Old gas stations. Old everything, almost.
A student of animal behavior says the moose shows fear, anger, disgust, even affection in the way it changes the shape of its nose.
Q. After Arlington National, what’s the biggest military cemetery in the country?
A. Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Va. Burial place of 15,000 Confederate soldiers, plus, plus, plus.