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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Principal Creamed By Voracious Readers

A million minutes of reading is worth … what?

At Pasadena Park Elementary, the roughly 265 students won the right Monday to pelt their long-suffering principal with whipped cream.

“I’m proud of you, boys and girls,” said Principal Larry Bush, and he plunged down a double line of kids armed with whipped cream.

It didn’t take long for the children to plaster Bush white from head to toe. Then he sprinted to a waiting hose and washed off.

And did we mention that Bush was wearing a tutu during all this?

The lengths some people will go to encourage kids to read.

The whipped cream pie stunt was the climax of a year-long campaign for the school kids to read at home. Pasadena Park PTO member April Hauschild said some kids read as much as 15,000 minutes during the year.

The house that CV built

Construction students from Central Valley’s two high schools learned about everything from foundations to fascias this year as they helped build a new home at E10103 15th. It’s the fourth year students have undertaken this kind of project. Each year, Tidyman’s Corp. has helped make the project possible.

“Without Tidyman’s commitment to this project, we would have difficulty replicating the ‘real world’ experiences found on the job site in our classrooms,” said University High School construction teacher Mike Palmer.

The house is for sale for $108,000.

All wet at 3 a.m.

Fifty-five ninth-graders at North Pines Junior High celebrated their promotion to high school with an all-night party last Friday.

Principal Dave Bouge said no one got much sleep. The evening got rolling with movies and Twinkies. At 3 a.m., a sprint through the sprinklers sounded like a good idea - to the kids, at least.

By 5 a.m., some kids started to crash. But by 6, Bouge and the other half dozen or so adults in attendance started flipping flapjacks for breakfast. “And then we sent them home.”

Practicing kindergarten in WV

Children who are registered for kindergarten next September in the West Valley School District can get a taste of what it’s like.

A whole week’s taste. The Millwood School offers the practice kindergarten this Monday-Friday, with either morning or afternoon sessions.

The morning session, which is full, runs from 9 to 11 a.m. The afternoon session runs from noon to 2 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $10. Contact Bonnie Brattebo or Vicki Downey at the school, 922-5478, for more information.

All right, Cortez!

We thought readers might like to know that Cortez Couch walked across the Opera House stage with the rest of his class fromt Central Valley High School.

Couch, 18, was one of dozens of students in the Spokane Valley who worked right down to the wire to earn the grades and credits needed for graduation.

He was featured last month in a Valley Voice cover story, “On the Bubble,” about seniors in that situation.

New vice principal

Vern Digiovanni has been named assistant principal at Greenacres Junior High for next year. Digiovanni, who taught sixth grade this year at Sunrise Elementary, will replace Lyle Krislock, who will become principal at Opportunity Elementary.

A capella excellence

Central Valley High School’s A Capella Choir - in other words, a choir without accompaniment - won two top awards recently at the Heritage Music Festival in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The 48-member group was asked, as part of winning a Gold Award, to compete in a national festival next spring in Chicago.

The CV choir formed just this past fall under the direction of Dana Sewall. “This has been a wonderful year,” Sewall said.

, DataTimes MEMO: The Education Notebook will take a summer vacation along with Spokane Valley’s students. It will return in the fall.

The Education Notebook will take a summer vacation along with Spokane Valley’s students. It will return in the fall.