Hints From Heloise
Dear Heloise: I have seen some pretty painted clay flowerpots in the stores and I would like to try painting some myself. I have been told, however, that since the clay pots aren’t glazed they will still absorb water and ruin the paint.
Any suggestions? - Kim Weiss, Greencastle, Ind.
Your question took me to a craft expert who said to use acrylic paints to decorate clay flowerpots.
After your artwork is complete and dry, you should seal the painted clay pot, inside and out, with a spray or brush-on acrylic sealer. This is an important step to seal the clay pot so it won’t absorb any moisture, which could eventually cause your artwork to change. - Heloise
Dear Heloise: My Sound Off is coupons and rebates. You can buy generic products and save more money than when you use coupons.
With rebates, sometimes you get them and sometimes you don’t. Why can’t the companies lower the price of products a few cents here and there and everyone will get a bit of a savings? - Gladys Tandberg, Deering, N.D.