Burning Permits Required Outside City Boundaries
As of Friday, the Idaho Department of Lands is closing the fire season outside of any city boundaries throughout Idaho.
This means anyone using fire must obtain a burning permit. Permits are free and can be obtained from the Idaho Department of Lands, the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service.
Permits will not be issued when there are high winds or other unsafe conditions. People should use special caution, especially in light of the problems that faced firefighters during recent fire seasons, said Stan Hamilton, director of the State Department of Lands.
People using fire to get rid of waste have accidentally started major wildfires in southern Idaho, Hamilton said.
In addition to having a valid burning permit, people should burn only natural material and no garbage and stay with the fire until it’s out.
Fires should be immediately doused if it becomes windy and there should be no fires after dark. Burn piles should be small and a garden hose with water running should be at hand.
The area around the burn pile should be clear for 15 feet.
, DataTimes