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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Idahoans Don’t Pay Attention To Neo-Nazis

D.F. Oliveria The Spokesman-Rev

Do we have an image problem or what? Cameron Webster, a black North Idaho College student, told the NIC Sentinel his parents worried when he moved from Tennessee to white-bread Coeur d’Alene. A semester later, Cameron has quieted their fears by assuring them of CdA’s friendliness. Strangely, Cameron had no problem growing up 30 miles from Pulaski, Tenn., the birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan. Says Cameron: “Most of the people in Pulaski are black and those (Klan) people parade every so often, but people don’t pay them any attention.” The same could be said for our brownshirts.


Some 65 North Idaho state workers can blame a paperwork snafu when their health maintenance organization inexplicably changes this summer. Seems Group Health Northwest, which had held the $220,000 annual contract since the late 1980s, sent its bid to the wrong room of a state bureaucracy. When the deliveryman called, no one had heard of bid administrator Cynthia Davis - across the hallway. The bid finally arrived, 90 minutes late, and was disqualified. That caused Qual-Med to go whee, whee, whe-e-e-e-e all the way to the bank.

Flip-flop patrol

Bruce Reed, son of attorney Scott and state Sen. Mary Lou, is mentioned in Time magazine, again - as one of President Clinton’s two key campaign strategists. A photo caption says Gene Sperling and Bruce have “re-created the War Room to stomp on anything Dole raises.” The accompanying May 13 article says the two are “walking compendiums of the president’s promises.” Down to the latest flip-flop?

AWOL principal

Co-workers weren’t surprised when Roger Hansen skipped a dinner honoring him and other CdA school district retirees. In fact, they chuckled appreciatively when Superintendent Doug Cresswell noted that the Project CDA principal is an independent cuss. … Testimonials about Roger included this one from finance director Dave Teater: “He was the only one who ever mooned me and lived to tell about it.” … When asked last week why he needed a concealed-weapons permit, tax activist Ron Rankin responded: “I drive a Lincoln. I’d like to carry enough cash with me to fill the gas tank.” … Can you spare a square? NIC coeds, says the Sentinel, are experiencing a crisis of sorts as school winds down. There’s enough toilet paper in their restrooms, but (drum roll, please) it’s not perforated! Huckleberries

Columnist Kerri Thoreson told her Post Falls Tribune readers that their royalty outperformed all other kings and queens Senior Prom day - on the diamond. Before their coronation, King Brad Medlock pitched a no-hitter against Lewiston, and Queen Kym Morrison doubled and homered against Lakeland. Attaboy&girl. … I’d love to claim Post Falls prom princess Fernanda Oliveria as one of my own pups, but she’s no relation. Just a cutey. … Quoth CdA recreation director Steve Anthony: “The Skate Park, per square foot, is the most heavily used park in town.” … The Upbeat Breakfast emcee should be ashamed for not introducing visiting dignitaries last week. Those sixteen-somethings sitting with CdA High principal Steve Casey were 1996-97 student body officers. (This has nothing - wink, wink - to do with the fact that the Huckleberry Pup was one of them.) … Bumpersnicker on Ramsey Road Saturday: “All men are animals, but some make good pets.”

Parting shot

Hmmm. Sandi Bloem showed incredible force of will a few years ago in spearheading the appealing renovation of downtown Coeur d’Alene. Everyone owes her. But Sandi’s memory is failing - slightly. At a recent speech to Main Street merchants in Lewiston, Sandi said no downtown merchants opposed CdA’s formation of a business improvement district. So reported the Lewiston Tribune. I remember about a half dozen who were vehemently opposed - like Doug’s Muffler. But who’s counting?

, DataTimes MEMO: Gotta Huckleberry? Call the Huckleberry Hound Hotline, (800) 344-6718 or (208) 765-7125.

The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = D.F. Oliveria The Spokesman-Review

Gotta Huckleberry? Call the Huckleberry Hound Hotline, (800) 344-6718 or (208) 765-7125.

The following fields overflowed: CREDIT = D.F. Oliveria The Spokesman-Review