Men Keep Promise Despite Rain
Even as rain began to fall on some 50,000 men gathered in RFK Stadium Friday night, the crowd cheered, sang and prayed, uniting in their Christian faith.
“Aren’t you glad we’re men and water doesn’t bother us?” shouted Franklin Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham.
“And I don’t want any wimps running because of a few drops.”
No one ran. The men, who had traveled here from across the region, came to reaffirm their faith and to strengthen their roles in family, workplace, church and community.
The event is one of 22 Promise Keeper rallies across the country this year.
A similar event was under way this weekend in Atlanta, and organizers expect 1.2 million total participants. They are planning a national event in Washington for 1997.
Founded in Colorado in 1990, Promise Keepers incorporates some of the themes found in last year’s Million Man March, encouraging men to take responsibility for their lives.
“We want to help these men be men, be really Godly men in their churches and their communities,” said Steve Chavis, national spokesman for Promise Keepers. “It means these men will begin to live their faith in a visible way.”
For instance, he said, a Christian man might not lie in his job, even if it means losing a sale. A father would spend more time with his kids.
The event, which continues today, had the feel of a rock concert, with music, large video screens and T-shirts for sale on the sidewalks outside.
And the stadium was a noisy as any pro-football game, though there was no beer for sale.
“It gets you pumped up,” said Tucker Ferguson, 29, of Harrisburg, Pa.
“I’m into sports, and I’ve attended a lot of sporting events. But it’s a different atmosphere when you’re cheering for God and not the Steelers.”