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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Earliest of what historians call “civilized laws” were in Babylon’s ancient Code of Hammurabi. Example: “If a married woman shall be caught lying with another man, both shall be bound and thrown into the river.”

Am told the Beatles song “Martha My Dear” was written by Paul McCartney about his sheepdog Martha.

Item No. 611A in our Love and War man’s files on divorce reads: “More women than men report they’re happier after their recent divorces. Surveyed women who so say, 85 percent. Men, 58 percent.

Q. How much weight does a mother of quintuplets gain during pregnancy?

A. From 75 to 100 pounds, the records show.

From 1917 to 1922, fur trappers killed 8 million koala bears in Australia, almost wiping out the species.

Q. Who wrote “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny”?

A. An African American named James Bland. He also wrote “Oh! Dem Golden Slippers” among 700 other songs. Bland studied law at Harvard. In another line of work, as a minstrel, he once gave a command performance for Queen Victoria.