New listings
Aleutian Islands Military Service Veterans Nov. 20, Tacoma; contact Al King, P.O. Box 130327, Sunrise, FL 33313.
North Central High School, Class of 1947 June 1997; call Doris at 325-0374, or Pat at 926-1476.
West Valley High School, Class of 1967 July 1997; contact Kathy (Kappen) Simmet, 924-7911, ir Jim Devany, 928-7458.
USS San Marcos (LSD-25) Oct. 28-31, Jacksonville, Fla.; contact Debbie DuckettHarris, 959 Green End, Middletown, RI 02842; (704) 256-6008.
USS Atlas (ARL-7) Nov. 11-14, Charleston, S.C.; contact Joseph Roening, 202 Joey Court, Hubert, NC 28539; (919) 326-2037.