Panama has meat-eating bees.
Experts list “bovine breath” as the thing that most attracts the tsetse fly.
Egypt’s Cairo is now reported to be about four times more jammed up with people than New York City’s Manhattan Island.
That pointed spiral shaft that does the duty in your corkscrew is called the “worm.”
Q. Do any tribespeople still rely on hunting and gathering?
A. To some extent. Or so it’s said of locals identified as the Penan in Malaysia and the Efe of Zaire.
Civil War undertakers were addressed as “Doctor.”
According to the Love and War statisticians, a divorced man is three times more likely than a widower to marry again. It has been said the most vulnerable human being on earth is the divorced man who didn’t want a divorce.
Around the house, everything a man does less of, his wife does more of. So conclude social researchers after a study of people not affluent enough to hire full-time palace help. And the more successful the man, the fewer home chores he tackles. It’s a mistake, they say, to think a man relieves his wife of much housework as he becomes more successful. He relieves himself of home chores, rather, and thereby burdens his wife with more.