Q. Atop the Empire State Building is a beacon. Atop the beacon is a hitching post for dirigibles. Has any dirigible ever been anchored to it?
A. Not a one.
Q. What sporting event draws the biggest on-site crowds?
A. The San Sylivestre Road Race at Brazil’s Sao Paulo. More than a million onlookers line the streets.
President John Quincy Adams played pool. Well. Very well.
Q. Why is that tableware called “China”?
A. Chinese of the power class started dining off translucent porcelain plates 900 years before Europeans figured out how to make such.
Historian Will Durant said, “To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves.”
Q. What’s the average price of used cars now?
A. Around $12,000, it’s reported.
At the old Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York City - by “old” I mean around 1893 - you could order broiled bear steak and baked green turtles.
History records that the guards on watch in some ancient Egyptian markets were leashed baboons.
A squirrel takes the nut out of the husk before it buries it.