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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Problems Do Lie Within People

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: In a recent column, you made some disparaging remarks about the Internet. In my opinion, it was a bum rap.

Have you watched any daytime TV or prime time, made-for-TV movies lately? If you have, you are aware that almost all the families shown are dysfunctional, and physical and sexual abuse are commonplace. Sensationalism sells, and we are going to see a lot more of it, so get ready. The Internet is no worse than anything else. It’s just the newest kid on the block. - Covina, Calif.

Dear Covina: What you have written is true. Keep reading for additional takes on the Internet.

From Morristown, Tenn.: I’ve met a lot of folks on the Internet, and they are normal, decent people with jobs and families. Of course, there are some slobs and head cases, too, but you don’t have to hook up with them any more than you would if you met them at a church social.

Providence, R.I.: I am a graduate of Brown University, and I keep up with my classmates on-line. It’s easier and more fun than writing letters. I’ve heard from several Brown pals who surf the Internet, and they are all excited at the prospect of a mini-reunion.

Roanoke, Va.: You can find weather for any city in the world, maps, movie reviews, recipes, political commentary, employment opportunities, video clips, music, photos and more research information than you could find in your library. All this in the comfort of your own home. The Internet is a modern day miracle.

Akron, Ohio: Of course, there’s sex smut on the Internet, but there’s also a font of valuable information. I use on-line services to do research on genealogy, make travel reservations, keep up on race car results and check out my company’s home page.

Rochester, N.Y.: People who stay up all night on their computers don’t have an Internet problem. They have an addiction problem and it’s the Internet they’re hooked on. I was, too. I stayed up all night for months. It almost cost me my marriage. Please tell your readers who are addicted to get professional help and then pray that the “professional” knows how to deal with it. I suggest a 12-step program patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous. It works.

Now, dear readers, this is Ann talking. What you are about to read is taken from a news story by the Associated Press:

Sharon Lopatka, a married woman, age 35, lived in Hampstead, Md. She was well-liked by her neighbors and considered “friendly.” But Sharon led a secret life on the Internet. She made it known in chat rooms that she was interested in torture and bondage. In some of her e-mail letters, she asked to be tortured to death. Most correspondents stopped writing when they realized she was serious. Sharon eventually met a man on the Internet. His name was Robert Glass, age 45, a member of the Rotary Club and “into computers.” His cybername was “Slowhand.”

Sharon went to Baltimore to meet Glass after they had exchanged 900 pages of messages. When Sharon was reported missing, the hunt was on. Her body was dug up 75 feet from Glass’ front door. He has been charged with her murder.

Rev. Clarence Widener, who officiated at Glass’ wedding 15 years ago, said, “He was a very nice fellow. I don’t know what could have happened to him.”