Official Records
Marriage Licenses
Christopher C. Nelson and Rachel R. Rohlf, both of Spokane.
Timothy J. Sarkela and Jessica S. McElwee, both of Fairchild Air Force Base.
Fred D. Stover and Cindy L. Hand, both of Spokane.
Dale A. Johnson and Zenaida G. Mujal, both of Spokane.
In the Courts
Superior Courts New Suits
Frederick L. and Sandra M. Uttke vs. Richard C. and Patricia S. Giba, et al, complaint to quiet title.
Becker Management and Association Inc. vs. E. Marcos Lammons, seeking restitution of premises.
East Valley Terrace vs. Shawn and Leah McLanahan, seeking restitution of premises.
Richard K. O’Neill vs. Swan/Dennison, seeking restitution of premises.
Richard K. O’Neill vs. Staudenmeyer et al, seeking restitution of premises.
Richard K. O’Neill vs. McCoy et al, seeking restitution of premises.
Richard K. O’Neill vs. Scott Redford and Korena Ebert, seeking restitution of premises.
Daniel and Rita Shinner vs. Washington Department of Corrections and Frank A. Davi, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
Richard K. O’Neill vs. Jones et al, seeking restitution of premises.
Pacwest Services Inc. vs. Michael P. Martin, seeking restitution of premises.
Key Bank Washington vs. Edward V. Pehan, money claimed owed.
Gregory d. Gallagher vs. Christopher J. Branden and Vaughn Development Co., seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
John Samter vs. Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Co., complaint for personal injury.
Susan K. and Kenneth Everett vs. Elizabeth A. Moore, seeking restitution for damages from a vehicle collision.
Alvin and Inez Moore vs. Loretta J. Moore, complaint to quiet title.
Marriage Dissolution Petitions
Hanel, Rick E. and Grace M.
Ferguson, Daniel B. and Cynthia
Akers, Carol M. and Tougher, James C.
Cote, Ronald C. and Robin
Bane, Brook and Shannon
Moberg, Lynn K. and Daniel J.
Todhunter, Lora L. and Jason R.
Marriage Dissolution Granted
Feistner, James W. and Lisa A.
Wolf, Joseph and Alison
Doctor, Guy V. and Teresa A.
Zumwalt, Dennis and Carol J.
Hissong, Vernon H. and Lynne D.
Michelson, Marc R. and Lori A.
Langton, Richard J. and Patricia A.
Cox, Louis H. and Vicky M.
Storch, Scott k. and Lauri A.
Emery, Lorin J. and Carrie A.
Ohrstrom, Randy T. and Kelly A.
Criminal Sentencings Judge Neal Q. Rielly
Anthony Eugene Stearns, 38; four months in jail with credit given for 50 days served, 12 months’ community supervision after pleading guilty to second-degree possession of stolen property and second-degree escape.
Judge Kathleen M. O’Connor
Timothy A. Price, 33; 14 months in jail with credit given for 117 days served, after pleading guilty to residential burglary.
Judge Robert D. Austin
Kilian J. Jones, 18; 43 months in jail with credit given for 464 days served, three counts second-degree assault.
Judge Paul A. Bastine
Ricky Allen Groce, 33; $1,000 fine, 81 days in jail with credit given for 81 days served, 12 months’ community supervision, after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance - cocaine.
Judge Harold D. Clarke
Justin Matthew Anest, 24, nine months in jail with credit given for 103 days served, 12 months’ probation, after being found guilty of malicious harassment.
Bankruptcy Petitions
Judy A. Delp, Nine Mile Falls, Wash., debts of $20,600.
Howard O. Haynes, Manson, Wash., debts of $12,265.
Kathleen S. Phipps, East Wenatchee, debts of $104,350.
Jaime F. and Vianey L. Mariscal, Pasco, debts of $33,839.
Saengkham Phaengpha, Pasco, debts of $13,616.
Naomi P. Deloach, Walla Walla, debts of $7,231.
Christopher T. and Jennifer L. McEachern, Richland, debts unspecified.
Domaine L. and Telicia N. Tisdale, 4527 S. Donald Court, debts of $39,884.
Daniel J. and Nancy A. Johnson, 815 W. Bellwood, debts of $54,736.
Marilyn L. Moberg, 911 E. Beacon, debts of $28,125.
Lorraine T. Murray, P.O. Box 7157, debts of $45,205.
Lisa J. McKinney, Colville, Wash., debts of $34,846.
Eugenia D. Roberts, 4002 W. Longfellow, debts of $56,378.
Donald G. and Shirley S. Dancer, 2629 E. First, debts of $24,795.
Lyn Adair, 903 E. Rockwell, debts of $66,069.
Steven J. and Sandra L. Williamson, 164 S. Coeur d’Alene Street, debts of $62,037.
Connie Lee Krueger, Cheney, $39,222.
Ted W. and Cecile L. Hartman, 3123 E. 30th, debts of $176,828.
Maureen R. Larkin, Medical Lake, debts of $4,322.
Dawn M. Cannon, 524 W. Alice, debts of $12,896.
Jake and Anna M. Gallagher, 1523 W. Euclid, debts of $22,630.
Helen E. Nelson, 1905 1/2 S. Chestnut, debts of $22,616.
Wage Earner Petitions
Deborah Y. Fields, 1029 W. First, debts of $10,423.
Thomas F. Davis, 3106 S. Ray, debts of $14,593.
Leta and Gary W. Burns, 4019 N. Cannon, debts unspecified.
District Court
Only fines or forfeitures of $75 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.
Judge Mike Padden
Brian S. Curry, 22; $475 fine, 24 months’ probation, first-degree negligent driving.
Darrell W. Stelzer, 51; $500 fine, hit and run of an attended vehicle.
Tracy J. Ellis, 24; $250 fine, six months’ probation, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Marilyn A. Otero, 45; $685 fine, 24 months’ probation, reckless driving.
Issaih H. Stolp, 21; $685 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Michael D. O’Connor, 47; $925 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Brandon D. Brown, 22; $150 fine, 24 months’ probation, second-degree driving with license suspended.
Mark L. Yates, 34; $400 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Judge Richard J. Richard Gene R. Achziger, 49; $200 fine, 24 months’ probation, assault.
Amber M. Pharness, 21; $925 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
John H. Staggs, 35; $925 fine, 24 months’ probation, driving while intoxicated.
Daniel R. Adams, 23; $150 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Kenneth W. Croson, 30; $75 fine, 12 months’ probation, possession of drug paraphernalia.
Daniel J. Nestle, 25; $250 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Kevin B. Oxrieder, 28; $75 fine, six months’ probation, first-degree no valid operators license
Jason S. Smith, 21; $125 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
Michael P. Molan, 26; $125 fine, 12 months’ probation, third-degree driving with license suspended.
, DataTimes