Whitworth College Grants Degrees To Locals
This is a continuing list of Inland Northwest students who graduated this spring from Whitworth College. These students, all of Spokane, are listed alphabetically:
Kim Allen, elementary education; Greggory Amend, accounting, economics and business management; Rachel Appleby, elementary education; Karen Andrues, liberal studies in humanities; Margit Botter, liberal studies in humanities; Holly Brown, Spanish; Lori Bryant, accounting; and Casaundra Calbreath, English.
Christa Carr, elementary education; Jana Christensen, elementary education; Amy Clark, elementary education; Laura Cowart, English; Joshua Deibel, religion and history; Holly Dorman, psychology; Kresha Frankhauser, cross-cultural studies; Julia Frey, arts administration; Christopher Fukai, business management; Courtney Gambill, elementary education; Sara Glenn, education and mathematics; and Grant Goins, music and religion.
Jill Haley, music; Kia Hallam, elementary education; Samie Hallam, elementary education; Adrianna Hartman, international business and French; Jennifer Heaton, psychology; Mary Herndon, accounting; Carolyn Henry, biology and education; and Timothy Hornor, theater.
Kevin Kee, chemistry and biology; Brian Kendall, philosophy; Donna Kuhn, liberal studies in humanities; James LaMunyon, liberal studies in program management; Sally Braithwaite-Marshall, education, English and psychology; Jane Newton, accounting; Haley Nichols, elementary education; Sherri Northington, physical education; Katherine Marr, history; Alexander Mitchell, history; and Susan Murray, cross-cultural studies.
Rebecca Olson, speech communication; Don O’Neal, physical education; Sharon Ortiz, sociology; Benjamin Palpant, education and English; Kristen Palpant, nursing; Theresa Schinzel, liberal studies in humanities; Alexander Schuerman, education and mathematics; Richard Scott, accounting and business management; Rebecca Selden, English; Bronwyn Simpson, elementary education; and Andrea Smith, psychology and art.
David Smith, Jr., education and history; Derek Smith, computer science; Monica Solheim, psychology and art; Mary Stanton, history; Junei Tatman, elementary education; Jennifer Tissue, education and mathematics; Justin Valentine, elementary education; and Peter Van, accounting and international business.
Also Diana Van Belle, mathematics; Bret Vanderipe; business management; Erin Walsh, elementary education; Anglea Warner, elementary education; Denise Whorton, elementary education and English; and Frankie Yim, elementary education.
, DataTimes MEMO: More Whitworth College graduates will be published in future Achievements columns.