Leftover Deer, Elk Tags To Be Sold Old Way
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will return to its old habit of selling leftover deer and elk tags at local offices after its computer system crashed twice.
The tags will go on sale Tuesday at 8 a.m., PDT, at the Boise headquarters and regional offices.
The equipment faltered the last time when transactions from machines at vendors and Fish and Game offices exceeded 1,200 per minute.
“What we’re doing is returning to the system which has worked in the past,” said supervisor Steve Beig. “We have been able to issue these permits on the computerized licensing system in past years, but this year we wanted to expand to allow folks to buy them at local license vendors.
“We regret the inconvenience to people who have to travel to reach an office, and to vendors who have been very supportive, but we’ve simply got to get this sale behind us so hunters can plan their trips.”