Idaho Records
Coeur d’Alene police
Michelle McFadden reported Monday $350 damage to a patio window of her home on the 3200 block of Seventh St.
John Suttle III reported Sunday $1,500 damage to a rear entrance door of his home on the 1700 block of Gilbert Ave.
Kristy Labare reported Tuesday the $2,400 theft of four tires and wheels from her home on the 1600 block of Thomas Lane.
Patricia Beard reported Tuesday $700 damage to the paint of the hood and passenger side of her car while it was parked at her home on the 900 block of C St.
Mary Adolf reported Tuesday the $5,200 theft of a television, videocassette recorder and jewelry from her home on the 4300 block of Ramsey Road.
Kootenai County sheriff
Daniel Fierro, employee of Rose’s Cafe, reported Tuesday $300 damage to a safe and wall of the business at 30600 U.S. Highway 95.
David Carlson, Coeur d’Alene, reported Monday $2,200 damage to carpet, vinyl flooring, Sheetrock and swimming pool liner at his home on the 6100 block of Diagonal Road.
Orwin Evenson, Coeur d’Alene, reported Monday the $2,370 theft of nine moving carts and a fire extinguisher from property on the 7700 block of Aqua Circle.
Post Falls police
Cynthia Strickland, Post Falls, reported Tuesday the $1,919 theft of compact discs, furniture, a television, a videocassette recorder and other miscellaneous items from her home on the 300 block of Seltice Way.
Ron Hagen, Post Falls, reported Tuesday $800 damage to the interior of his home on the 1000 block of Highland Court.
News of record
Bonner County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Debra Heise
Thomas Collum, 37, Blanchard; driving without privileges; $250 fine, 180 days in jail, two years probation.
Civil complaints
Idaho State Industrial Commission vs. John and Nancy Shockey, dba Sagle Valley General Store, seeking $2,850.
Pend Oreille Village Apartments vs. Julie Wideman, seeking $1,746.
Sandpoint Credit Bureau vs. Robert and Shannon Smith, aka Margaret Shannon Smith, seeking $1,446.
Marriage licenses
Stephen Craig and Valerie Olsen, both of Sandpoint.
Michael Yaeger and Jodi Fournier, both of Dover.
Shoshone County
Criminal sentencings
August Sjogren, 43, Smelterville; driving under the influence; $500 fine, 30 days in jail (28 days suspended), one year probation.
Cliff Heinig, 29, Osburn; resisting or obstructing an officer; $300 fine ($150 suspended), 60 days in jail (58 days suspended), one year probation.
Civil complaints
Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, dba Silver Wood Good Samaritan vs. Hollie Redman, seeking $24,607.
Civil dismissals
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare vs. Hai Nguyen.
Kootenai County
Criminal sentencings
Judge Eugene Marano
Bert Burnett, 45, Arlee, Mont.; disturbing the peace; $300 fine (suspended), 180 days in jail (159 days suspended), two years probation.
Douglas Ackley, 35, Spokane; failure to purchase driver’s license; $300 fine (suspended), 180 days in jail (165 days suspended), two years probation.
John Montague, 18, Post Falls; Count I: possession of a controlled substance; $1,000 fine ($850 suspended), one year in jail (358 days suspended), two years probation. Count II: use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use; $1,000 fine ($850 suspended), one year in jail (358 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Robert Burton
Daniel Schepis, 28, Coeur d’Alene; failure to purchase driver’s license; $150 fine, 180 days in jail (150 days suspended), two years probation.
Judge Paul McCabe
Rick Nelson, 39, Auburn, Wash.; domestic battery; $100 fine (suspended), 180 days in jail (170 days suspended), one year probation.
Douglas Airhart, 21, Post Falls; injury to child; $153 fine (suspended), 90 days in jail (60 days suspended), one year probation.
Civil judgments
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Robert Price, award of $1,596.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Ricky and Sonya True, award of $3,014.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Colton Smith, aka Colton Miller, award of $3,643.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Steve Gleason, award of $1,279.
North Idaho Credit Corp. vs. Timothy Stephens, award of $4,966.
Ponderosa Enterprises Inc. vs. Michael and Kimberly Wickham, award of $1,419.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Breck and Tami Miller, award of $2,111.
Coeur d’Alene Credit Bureau Inc. vs. Chris and Vicki Dewitt, award of $5,022.
Civil dismissals
U.S. Bank of Idaho vs. Katrinka Pearson-Russell.
R.M. Enterprises Inc. vs. South Hayden Investments Inc., and Timothy and Carol Rooney.
Divorces granted
Donald Pederson from Janet Pederson.
Mechelle Williams from Dean Williams.
, DataTimes